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Séguin, A , Christelle Caplat, Antoine Serpentini, J M Lebel, F Menet-Nedelec, and Katherine Costil. 2016. Metal Bioaccumulation And Physiological Condition Of The Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas) Reared In Two Shellfish Basins And A Marina In Normandy (Northwest France).. Mar Pollut Bull 106 (1-2): 202-14. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.068.
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Séguin, A. , C. Caplat, A. Serpentini, J.M. Lebel, F. Menet-Nedelec, and Katherine Costil. 2016. Metal Bioaccumulation And Physiological Condition Of The Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas) Reared In Two Shellfish Basins And A Marina In Normandy (Northwest France). Marine Pollution Bulletin 106 (1-2): 202 - 214. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.02.068.
Morera‐Pujol, Virginia , Paulo Catry, Maria Magalhães, Clara Péron, José Manuel Reyes‐González, José Pedro Granadeiro, Teresa Militão, et al.. 2022. Methods To Detect Spatial Biases In Tracking Studies Caused By Differential Representativeness Of Individuals, Populations And Time. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13642.
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Ghinter, Leopold , Christine Dupuy, Michael J Miller, Alexandre Carpentier, Christel Lefrançois, Anthony Acou, Jun Aoyama, et al.. 2020. Microbial Functional Structure And Stable Isotopic Variation Of Leptocephali Across Three Current Zones In The Western South Pacific. Progress In Oceanography 182: 102264. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102264.
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Haraldsson, Matilda , Mélanie Gerphagnon, Pauline Bazin, Samuele Tecchio, Télésphore Sime-Ngando, and Nathalie Niquil. 2018. Microbial Parasites Make Cyanobacteria Blooms Less Of A Trophic Dead-End Than Commonly Assumed. The Isme Journal 12: 1008-1020. doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0045-9.
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Duperron, Sébastien , Sylvie M Gaudron, Nolwenn Lemaître, and Germain Bayon. 2014. A Microbiological And Biogeochemical Investigation Of The Cold Seep Tubeworm Escarpia Southwardae (Annelida: Siboglinidae): Symbiosis And Trace Element Composition Of The Tube. Deep-Sea Research Part I - Oceanographic Research Papers. doi:10.1016/J.dsr.2014.05.006.
Dromard, Charlotte R, Yolande Bouchon-Navaro, Sébastien Cordonnier, Mireille Harmelin-Vivien, and Claude Bouchon. 2018. Microhabitat Characteristics Of Stegastes Planifrons And S. Adustus Territories. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 101 (3): 441 - 448. doi:10.1007/s10641-017-0709-8.
Hubas, Cédric , C Passarelli, and David M Paterson. 2018. Microphytobenthic Biofilms: Composition And Interactions. In Mudflat Ecology, 63–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8_4.
Trancart, Thomas , Eric Feunteun, Valentin Danet, Alexandre Carpentier, Virgile Mazel, Fabien Charrier, Morgan Druet, and Anthony Acou. 2018. Migration Behaviour And Escapement Of European Silver Eels From A Large Lake And Wetland System Subject To Water Level Management (Grand-Lieu Lake, France): New Insights From Regulated Acoustic Telemetry Data. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 27: 570-579. doi:10.1111/eff.12371.
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Larue, Mélanie , Mathieu Boos, Christian Brossard, François Baillon, Jean-Jacques Boutteaux, Jérôme Bernard, Paul Brossault, Odile Petit, and Damien Chevallier. 2016. Migration Of Juvenile Black Storks: Stay With The Family Or Go Alone?. Ringing & Migration 31 (1): 74 - 76. doi:10.1080/03078698.2016.1190616.
Boos, Mathieu , Anna P Nesterova, Damien Chevallier, and Arne Follestad. 2019. Migratory Flights And Local Wintering Movements Of Greylag Geese Anser Anser In Western Europe. Bird Study 66 (2): 264 - 268. doi:10.1080/00063657.2019.1620171.
Fournier, Jérôme , Patrick Le Mao, and Franck Simmonet. 2015. Milieux De Vie Des Mammifères De Bretagne. In Atlas Des Mammifères De Bretagne, GMB, 16-29. Loperec: Locus Solus.
Hourdez, Stéphane , Jérôme Fournier, and Pierre Chevaldonné. 2018. Mission Polaris : Invertébrés Antarctiques Et Réchauffement Global. Subaqua.
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Secci-Petretto, Giulia , Steven J Weiss, André Gomes-Dos-Santos, Henri Persat, Gaël PJ Denys, and Elsa Froufe. 2019. Mitogenome Phylogeny Of Thymallus (Graylings) - Species Delineation. Xvi European Congress Of Ichthyology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Sep - 6 Sep, 2019. Lausanne: Frontiers in Marine Sciences.
Jordao, Juliana Costa, Ana Cristina V Bondioli, Lurdes Foresti de Almeida-Toledo, Karin Bilo, Rachel Berzins, Yvon Le Maho, Damien Chevallier, and Benoît de Thoisy. 2017. Mixed-Stock Analysis In Green Turtles Chelonia Mydas: Mtdna Decipher Current Connections Among West Atlantic Populations. Mitochondrial Dna Part A 28 (2): 197 - 207. doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1115843.
Schickele, Alexandre , Boris Leroy, Grégory Beaugrand, Eric Goberville, Tarek Hattab, Patrice Francour, and Virginie Raybaud. 2020. Modelling European Small Pelagic Fish Distribution: Methodological Insights. Ecological Modelling 416: 108902. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108902.
Chevallier, Damien , Baptiste Mourrain, and Marc Girondot. 2020. Modelling Leatherback Biphasic Indeterminate Growth Using A Modified Gompertz Equation. Ecological Modelling 426: 109037. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109037.
Bourgeaux, Jacques , Nils Teichert, Jean-Marc Gillier, Valentin Danet, Eric Feunteun, Anthony Acou, Fabien Charrier, Virgile Mazel, Alexandre Carpentier, and Thomas Trancart. 2022. Modelling Past Migrations To Determine Efficient Management Rules Favouring Silver Eel Escapement From A Large Regulated Floodplain Lake. Journal For Nature Conservation 67: 126192. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2022.126192.
Péron, Clara , Dirk C Welsford, Philippe Ziegler, Timothy D Lamb, Nicolas Gasco, Charlotte Chazeau, Romain Sinègre, and Guy Duhamel. 2016. Modelling Spatial Distribution Of Patagonian Toothfish Through Life-Stages And Sex And Its Implications For The Fishery On The Kerguelen Plateau. Progress In Oceanography 141: 81 - 95. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.12.003.
Bisch, Amaëlle , Sophie AM Elliott, Alexandre Carpentier, and Anthony Acou. 2022. Modelling The Distribution Of Vulnerable Skate From Fisheries Dependent Data Using Imperfect Detection. Progress In Oceanography 206: 102859. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102859.
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Carré, Matthieu , Moufok Azzoug, Paul Zaharias, Abdoulaye Camara, Rachid Cheddadi, Manuel Chevalier, Denis Fiorillo, et al.. 2019. Modern Drought Conditions In Western Sahel Unprecedented In The Past 1600 Years. Climate Dynamics 52 (3-4): 1949 - 1964. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4311-3.
Wu, Guan-Chung , Sylvie Dufour, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2021. Molecular And Cellular Regulation On Sex Change In Hermaphroditic Fish, With A Special Focus On Protandrous Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus Schlegelii.. Mol Cell Endocrinol 520: 111069. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2020.111069.
Sol-Dourdin, Thomas , Guillaume Rivière, Alexandre Cormier, Carole Di Poi, Killian Guyomard, Manuella Rabiller, Farida Akcha, Thierno Bah Sadialiou, Pauline Le Monier, and Rossana Sussarellu. 2023. Molecular And Phenotypic Effects Of Early Exposure To An Environmentally Relevant Pesticide Mixture In The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Environmental Pollution 326: 121472. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121472.
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Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2015. Molecular Characterization Of Peptide Fractions Of A Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) By-Product Hydrolysate And In Vitro Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity. Process Biochemistry 50 (3): 487-492.
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de Mazancourt, Valentin , Ahmed Abdou, Magalie Castelin, Céline Ellien, Clara Lord, Marion Mennesson, Clémentine Renneville, Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2023. Molecular Ecology Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina Natalensis And Comparative Analysis With Other Amphidromous Species (Decapoda, Teleostei, And Gastropoda). Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-023-05283-7.
Cherif–Feildel, Maëva , Clothilde Berthelin, Béatrice Adeline, Guillaume Rivière, Pascal Favrel, and Kristell Kellner-Cousin. 2019. Molecular Evolution And Functional Characterisation Of Insulin Related Peptides In Molluscs: Contributions Of Crassostrea Gigas Genomic And Transcriptomic-Wide Screening. Journal Of Comparative Endocrinology 271: 15-29.
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Meva, Cherif Feildel, Heude Berthelin Clothilde, Adeline Beatrice, Riviere Guillaume, Favrel Pascal, and Kelnner Kristell. 2019. Molecular Evolution And Functional Characterisation Of Insulin Relatedpeptides In Molluscs: Contributions Of Crassostrea Giga Sgenomic Andtranscriptomic-Wide Screening. General Comparative And Endocrinology 271: 15-29.
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Anthony, E.J. , P. Dussouillez, Franck Dolique, M. Besset, G. Brunier, V.L. Nguyen, and M. Goichot. 2017. Morphodynamics Of An Eroding Beach And Foredune In The Mekong River Delta: Implications For Deltaic Shoreline Change. Continental Shelf Research 147: 155 - 164. doi:
Cherif-Feildel, Maëva , Kristell Kellner, Didier Goux, Nicolas Elie, Béatrice Adeline, Christophe Lelong, and Clothilde Berthelin. 2019. Morphological And Molecular Criteria Allow The Identification Of Putative Germ Stem Cells In A Lophotrochozoan, The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas. Histochemistry And Cell Biology 151 (5): 419 - 433. doi:10.1007/s00418-018-1740-3.
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Maeva, Cherif Feildel, Kellner Kristell, Goux Didier, Elie Nicolas, Adeline Beatrice, and Heude Berthelin Clothilde. 2019. Morphological And Molecular Criteria Allow The Identification Of Putative Germ Stem Cells In A Lophotrochozoan, The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas. Histochemistry And Cell Biology 151: 419-433.
Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Mélyne Hautecoeur, and Philippe Keith. 2014. Morphological And Molecular Evidence Of Three Species Of Pikes Esox Spp. (Actinopterygii, Esocidae) In France, Including The Description Of A New Species. Comptes Rendus Biologies 337 (9): 521-534. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2014.07.002.
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Barros-Alves, Samara de Paiva, Douglas Fernandes Alves, Eduardo Antônio Bolla, Jr, Nicolas Rabet, and Gustavo Luis Hirose. 2016. Morphological Review Of The Freshwater Fairy Shrimp Dendrocephalus Brasiliensis Pesta, 1921 (Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae). Nauplius 24: 1-10. doi:10.1590/2358-2936e2016008.
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Gąsiorowski, Ludwik , Nicolas Bekkouche, and Katrine Worsaae. 2017. Morphology And Evolution Of The Nervous System In Gnathostomulida (Gnathifera, Spiralia). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17 (2): 447 - 475. doi:10.1007/s13127-017-0324-8.
Fournier, Jérôme , Alexandre Corbeau, and Patrick Le Mao. 2016. Morpho-Sedimentology Of Coastal Natural Sites Colonized By Sand Martin (Riparia Riparia). Revue D'ecologie (Terre Et Vie) 71 (1).
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Milanin, Tiago , Patrick D Mathews, André C Morandini, Omar Mertins, Fabienne Audebert, Jose OL Pereira, and Antonio AM Maia. 2021. Morphostructural Data And Phylogenetic Relationships Of A New Cnidarian Myxosporean Infecting Spleen Of An Economic And Ecological Important Bryconid Fish From Brazil. Microbial Pathogenesis 150: 104718. doi:10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104718.
Tecchio, Samuele , Armonie Tous Rius, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Jeremy Lobry, Géraldine Lassalle, Jocelyne Morin, Nicolas Bacq, et al.. 2015. The Mosaic Of Habitats Of The Seine Estuary: Insights From Food-Web Modelling And Network Analysis. Ecological Modelling 312: 91-101. doi:{10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.05.026}.
Nuñez-Rodriguez, Jesus , Fabrice Duponchelle, M. Cotrina-Doria, Jean-Francois Renno, Chávez C Veintemilla, C. Rebaza, S. Deza, et al.. 2015. Movement Patterns And Home Range Of Wild And Re-Stocked Arapaima Gigas (Schinz, 1822) Monitored By Radio-Telemetry In Lake Imiria, Peru. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 31: 10–18. doi:10.1111/jai.12972.
Passarelli, C , Cédric Hubas, and David M Paterson. 2018. Mudflat Ecosystem Engineers And Services. In Mudflat Ecology, 243–269. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99194-8_10.