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Gueriau, Pierre , Nicolas Rabet, Gaël Clément, Linda Lagebro, Jean Vannier, Derek EG Briggs, Sylvain Charbonnier, Sébastien Olive, and Olivier Béthoux. 2016. A 365-Million-Year-Old Freshwater Community Reveals Morphological And Ecological Stasis In Branchiopod Crustaceans.. Current Biology 26 (3): 383-390. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.039.
Pierron, Fabien , Sarah Bureau du Colombier, Audrey Moffett, Antoine Caron, Laurent Peluhet, Guillemine Daffe, Patrick Lambert, et al. 2014. Abnormal Ovarian Dna Methylation Programming During Gonad Maturation In Wild Contaminated Fish.. Environ Sci Technol 48 (19): 11688-95. doi:10.1021/es503712c.
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Pierron, Fabien , Sarah Bureau du Colombier, Audrey Moffett, Antoine Caron, Laurent Peluhet, Guillemine Daffe, Patrick Lambert, et al. 2014. Abnormal Ovarian Dna Methylation Programming During Gonad Maturation In Wild Contaminated Fish.. Environ Sci Technol 48 (19): 11688-95. doi:10.1021/es503712c.
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PDF icon Lagarde et al. 2023.pdf (1.3 MB)
Lin, Chien-Ju , Yi-Chun Fan-Chiang, Sylvie Dufour, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2016. Activation Of Brain Steroidogenesis And Neurogenesis During The Gonadal Differentiation In Protandrous Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus Schlegelii.. Dev Neurobiol 76 (2): 121-36. doi:10.1002/dneu.22303.
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Lin, Chien-Ju , Y C Fran-Chiang, Sylvie Dufour, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2016. Activation Of Brain Steroidogenesis And Neurogenesis During The Gonadal Differentiation In Protandrous Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus Schlegelii.. Developmental Neurobiology 76: 121-136. doi:DOI: 10.1002/dneu.22303.
PDF icon Lin_et_al-2016-Developmental_Neurobiology.pdf (1.04 MB)
Minguez, Laetitia , E Farcy, Céline Ballandonne, Alban Lepailleur, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille. 2014. Acute Toxicity Of 8 Antidepressants: What Are Their Modes Of Action?. Chemosphere 108: 314-9. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.057.
PDF icon Minguez et al 2014.pdf (798.01 KB)
Minguez, Laetitia , E Farcy, Céline Ballandonne, Alban Lepailleur, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille. 2014. Acute Toxicity Of 8 Antidepressants: What Are Their Modes Of Action?. Chemosphere 108: 314-9. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.057.
PDF icon Minguez et al 2014.pdf (798.01 KB)
Sussarellu, Rossana , Arnaud Huvet, Sylvie Lapègue, Virgile Quillien, Christophe Lelong, Florence Cornette, Lasse Fast Jensen, Nicolas Bierne, and Pierre Boudry. 2015. Additive Transcriptomic Variation Associated With Reproductive Traits Suggest Local Adaptation In A Recently Settled Population Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Bmc Genomics 16 (1): 808. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1972-8.
Sussarellu, Rossana , Arnaud Huvet, Sylvie Lapègue, Virgile Quillien, Christophe Lelong, Florence Cornette, Lasse Fast Jensen, Nicolas Bierne, and Pierre Boudry. 2015. Additive Transcriptomic Variation Associated With Reproductive Traits Suggest Local Adaptation In A Recently Settled Population Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Bmc Genomics 16 (1): 808. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1972-8.
Buffet, Jean-Philippe , Erwan Corre, Evelyne Duvernois-Berthet, Jérôme Fournier, and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2018. Adhesive Gland Transcriptomics Uncovers A Diversity Of Genes Involved In Glue Formation In Marine Tube-Building Polychaetes. Acta Biomaterialia.
Grémillet, David , Clara Péron, Pascal Provost, and Amélie Lescroël. 2015. Adult And Juvenile European Seabirds At Risk From Marine Plundering Off West Africa. Biological Conservation 182: 143–147.
Klotz, S , Th Hansen, E Lelièvre-Berna, Louis Amand, J Maurice, and C Payre. 2020. Advances In The Use Of Paris-Edinburgh Presses For High Pressure Neutron Scattering. Journal Of Neutron Research 21 (3-4): 117 - 124. doi:10.3233/JNR-190120.
Artero, C. , D.J. Murie, C.C. Koenig, R. Berzins, C. Bouchon, and L. Lampert. 2015. Age, Growth, And Mortality Of The Atlantic Goliath Grouper Epinephelus Itajara In French Guiana. . Endangered Species Research 28: 275-287.
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Achá, Darío , Stephane Guédron, David Amouroux, David Point, Xavier Lazzaro, Pablo Edgar Fernandez, and Géraldine Sarret. 2018. Algal Bloom Exacerbates Hydrogen Sulfide And Methylmercury Contamination In The Emblematic High-Altitude Lake Titicaca. Geosciences 8. doi:10.3390/geosciences8120438.
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Levallois, Alexandre , Baptiste Vivier, Christelle Caplat, Didier Goux, Francis Orvain, Jean-Marc Lebel, Pascal Claquin, Léo Chasselin, Olivier Basuyaux, and Antoine Serpentini. 2023. Aluminium-Based Galvanic Anode Impacts The Photosynthesis Of Microphytobenthos And Supports The Bioaccumulation Of Metals Released.. Aquat Toxicol 258: 106501. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106501.
Levallois, Alexandre , Baptiste Vivier, Christelle Caplat, Didier Goux, Francis Orvain, Jean-Marc Lebel, Pascal Claquin, Léo Chasselin, Olivier Basuyaux, and Antoine Serpentini. 2023. Aluminium-Based Galvanic Anode Impacts The Photosynthesis Of Microphytobenthos And Supports The Bioaccumulation Of Metals Released.. Aquat Toxicol 258: 106501. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106501.
Tabouret, Hélène , Marina Tomadin, Laura Taillebois, Midori Iida, Clara Lord, C Pécheyran, and Philippe Keith. 2014. Amphidromy And Marine Larval Phase Of Ancestral Gobioids Rhyacichthys Guilberti And Protogobius Attiti (Teleostei: Rhyacichthyidae).. Marine And Freshwater Research 65: 776–783.
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Leroy, Boris , Andrew M Kramer, Anne‐Charlotte Vaissière, Melina Kourantidou, Franck Courchamp, and Christophe Diagne. 2022. Analysing Economic Costs Of Invasive Alien Species With The Invacost R Package. Methods In Ecology And Evolution 13 (9): 1930 - 1937. doi:10.1111/mee3.v13.910.1111/2041-210X.13929.
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Sol-Dourdin, Thomas , Killian Guyomard, Manuella Rabiller, Nina Houssais, Alexandre Cormier, Pauline Le Monier, Rossana Sussarellu, and Guillaume Rivière. 2024. Ancestors’ Gift: Parental Early Exposure To The Environmentally Realistic Pesticide Mixture Drives Offspring Phenotype In A Larger Extent Than Direct Exposure In The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas. Environmental Science & Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c0820110.
Morelle, Jérôme , Mathilde Schapira, Francis Orvain, Philippe Riou, Pascal Jean Lopez, Olivier Duplessix, Emilie Rabiller, Franc Maheux, Benjamin Simon, and Pascal Claquin. 2018. Annual Phytoplankton Primary Production Estimation In A Temperate Estuary By Coupling Pam And Carbon Incorporation Methods. Estuaries And Coasts.
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Caracciolo, Mariarita , Grégory Beaugrand, Pierre Hélaouët, Francois Gevaert, Martin Edwards, Fabrice Lizon, Loïck Kléparski, and Eric Goberville. 2021. Annual Phytoplankton Succession Results From Niche-Environment Interactionabstract. Journal Of Plankton Research 43 (1): 85–102. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbaa060.
Rolet, Céline , Nicolas Spilmont, Dominique Davoult, Eric Goberville, and Christophe Luczak. 2015. Anthropogenic Impact On Macrobenthic Communities And Consequences For Shorebirds In Northern France: A Complex Response. Biological Conservation 184. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.02.016.
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Doré, Maël , Keith Willmott, Boris Leroy, Nicolas Chazot, James Mallet, André VL Freitas, Jason PW Hall, et al.. 2021. Anthropogenic Pressures Coincide With Neotropical Biodiversity Hotspots In A Flagship Butterfly Group. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13455.
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Doré, Maël , Keith Willmott, Boris Leroy, Nicolas Chazot, James Mallet, André VL Freitas, Jason PW Hall, et al.. 2021. Anthropogenic Pressures Coincide With Neotropical Biodiversity Hotspots In A Flagship Butterfly Group. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13455.
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PDF icon 2017 Mammola & Leroy - Ecography.pdf (1.48 MB)
Giraudeau, Mathieu , Orsolya Vincze, Sophie M Dupont, Tuul Sepp, Ciara Baines, Jean‐Francois Lemaitre, Karin Lemberger, et al.. 2024. Approaches And Methods To Study Wildlife Cancerabstract. Journal Of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.14144.
PDF icon Journal of Animal Ecology - 2024 - Giraudeau - App_240827_150047.pdf (1.4 MB)
Giraudeau, Mathieu , Orsolya Vincze, Sophie M Dupont, Tuul Sepp, Ciara Baines, Jean‐Francois Lemaitre, Karin Lemberger, et al.. 2024. Approaches And Methods To Study Wildlife Cancerabstract. Journal Of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.14144.
PDF icon Journal of Animal Ecology - 2024 - Giraudeau - App_240827_150047.pdf (1.4 MB)
Giraudeau, Mathieu , Orsolya Vincze, Sophie M Dupont, Tuul Sepp, Ciara Baines, Jean‐Francois Lemaitre, Karin Lemberger, et al.. 2024. Approaches And Methods To Study Wildlife Cancerabstract. Journal Of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.14144.
PDF icon Journal of Animal Ecology - 2024 - Giraudeau - App_240827_150047.pdf (1.4 MB)
Giraudeau, Mathieu , Orsolya Vincze, Sophie M Dupont, Tuul Sepp, Ciara Baines, Jean‐Francois Lemaitre, Karin Lemberger, et al.. 2024. Approaches And Methods To Study Wildlife Cancerabstract. Journal Of Animal Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.14144.
PDF icon Journal of Animal Ecology - 2024 - Giraudeau - App_240827_150047.pdf (1.4 MB)
Quenta‐Herrera, Estefania , Antonio Daza, Xavier Lazzaro, Dean Jacobsen, Olivier Dangles, and Sophie Cauvy‐Fraunié. 2021. Aquatic Biota Responses To Temperature In A High Andean Geothermal Stream. Freshwater Biology. doi:10.1111/fwb.13798.
PDF icon Quenta-Herrera et al. 2021.pdf (1.71 MB)
Hervé, Vincent , Boris Leroy, Albert Da Silva Pires, and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2018. Aquatic Urban Ecology At The Scale Of A Capital: Community Structure And Interactions In Street Gutters.. Isme J. 12 (1): 253–266. doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.166.
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Hervé, Vincent , Boris Leroy, Albert Da Silva Pires, and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2018. Aquatic Urban Ecology At The Scale Of A Capital: Community Structure And Interactions In Street Gutters.. Isme J. 12 (1): 253–266. doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.166.
PDF icon ismej2017166.pdf (2.99 MB)
Maureaud, Aurore , Romain Frelat, Laurène Pécuchet, Nancy Shackell, Bastien Mérigot, Malin L Pinsky, Kofi Amador, et al.. 2021. Are We Ready To Track Climate‐Driven Shifts In Marine Species Across International Boundaries? ‐ A Global Survey Of Scientific Bottom Trawl Data. Global Change Biology 27 (2): 220 - 236. doi:10.1111/gcb.v27.210.1111/gcb.15404.
Maureaud, Aurore , Romain Frelat, Laurène Pécuchet, Nancy Shackell, Bastien Mérigot, Malin L Pinsky, Kofi Amador, et al.. 2021. Are We Ready To Track Climate‐Driven Shifts In Marine Species Across International Boundaries? ‐ A Global Survey Of Scientific Bottom Trawl Data. Global Change Biology 27 (2): 220 - 236. doi:10.1111/gcb.v27.210.1111/gcb.15404.
Maureaud, Aurore , Romain Frelat, Laurène Pécuchet, Nancy Shackell, Bastien Mérigot, Malin L Pinsky, Kofi Amador, et al.. 2021. Are We Ready To Track Climate‐Driven Shifts In Marine Species Across International Boundaries? ‐ A Global Survey Of Scientific Bottom Trawl Data. Global Change Biology 27 (2): 220 - 236. doi:10.1111/gcb.v27.210.1111/gcb.15404.
Maureaud, Aurore , Romain Frelat, Laurène Pécuchet, Nancy Shackell, Bastien Mérigot, Malin L Pinsky, Kofi Amador, et al.. 2021. Are We Ready To Track Climate‐Driven Shifts In Marine Species Across International Boundaries? ‐ A Global Survey Of Scientific Bottom Trawl Data. Global Change Biology 27 (2): 220 - 236. doi:10.1111/gcb.v27.210.1111/gcb.15404.
Devault, Damien A, Félix Massat, Alexandre Baylet, Franck Dolique, and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2022. Arsenic And Chlordecone Contamination And Decontamination Toxicokinetics In Sargassum Sp.. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 29 (1): 6 - 16. doi:10.1007/s11356-020-12127-7.
Claquin, Pascal , Fanny Leroy, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Eric Feunteun, Aurélie Foveau, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2015. Artificial Reef: Multiscale Monitoring Of Colonization And Primary Production - Récif Artificiel: Mise En Place D’un Suivi De La Colonisation A Plusieurs Échelles. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems . ESITC Caen.
Claquin, Pascal , Fanny Leroy, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Eric Feunteun, Aurélie Foveau, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2015. Artificial Reef: Multiscale Monitoring Of Colonization And Primary Production - Récif Artificiel: Mise En Place D’un Suivi De La Colonisation A Plusieurs Échelles. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems . ESITC Caen.
Claquin, Pascal , Fanny Leroy, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Eric Feunteun, Aurélie Foveau, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2015. Artificial Reef: Multiscale Monitoring Of Colonization And Primary Production - Récif Artificiel: Mise En Place D’un Suivi De La Colonisation A Plusieurs Échelles. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems . ESITC Caen.
Ravaux, Juliette , Nelly Léger, Gérard Hamel, and Bruce Shillito. 2019. Assessing A Species Thermal Tolerance Through A Multiparameter Approach: The Case Study Of The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Rimicaris Exoculata. Cell Stress And Chaperones 24 (3): 647 - 659. doi:10.1007/s12192-019-01003-0.
Tixier, Paul , Paul Burch, Félix Massiot-Granier, Philippe Ziegler, Dirk Welsford, Mary-Anne Lea, Mark A Hindell, et al.. 2020. Assessing The Impact Of Toothed Whale Depredation On Socio-Ecosystems And Fishery Management In Wide-Ranging Subantarctic Fisheries. Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries 30: 203-217. doi:10.1007/s11160-020-09597-w.
Olivier, Frédéric , Mathilde Gigot, Delphine Mathias, Youenn Jézéquel, Tarik Meziane, Christophe L'Her, Laurent Chauvaud, and Julien Bonnel. 2023. Assessing The Impacts Of Anthropogenic Sounds On Early Stages Of Benthic Invertebrates: The 'Larvosonic System'.. Limnology And Oceanography: Methods. doi:10.1002/lom3.10527.
PDF icon Limnology Ocean Methods - 2022 - Olivier - Assessing the impacts of anthropogenic sounds on early stages of benthic.pdf (1.77 MB)
Basuyaux, Olivier , Jean-Louis Blin, Katherine Costil, Olivier Richard, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Antoine Serpentini. 2018. Assessing The Impacts Of Several Algae-Based Diets On Cultured European Abalone ( Haliotis Tuberculata ). Aquatic Living Resources 31: 28. doi:10.1051/alr/2018018.
PDF icon Basuyaux et al 2018.pdf (1.29 MB)
McQuatters-Gollop, A. , L. Guérin, N.L. Arroyo, A. Aubert, L.F. Artigas, J. Bedford, E. Corcoran, et al.. 2022. Assessing The State Of Marine Biodiversity In The Northeast Atlantic. Ecological Indicators 141: 109148. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109148.
PDF icon McQuartters-Gollop et al 2022.pdf (3.01 MB)
McQuatters-Gollop, A. , L. Guérin, N.L. Arroyo, A. Aubert, L.F. Artigas, J. Bedford, E. Corcoran, et al.. 2022. Assessing The State Of Marine Biodiversity In The Northeast Atlantic. Ecological Indicators 141: 109148. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109148.
PDF icon McQuartters-Gollop et al 2022.pdf (3.01 MB)
Minguez, Laetitia , Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille, Katherine Costil, Ronan Bureau, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. Assessment Of Cytotoxic And Immunomodulatory Properties Of Four Antidepressants On Primary Cultures Of Abalone Hemocytes (Haliotis Tuberculata).. Aquat Toxicol 153: 3-11. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.020.
PDF icon Minguez et al 2014.pdf (1004.13 KB)
Lecchini, David , Frédéric Bertucci, Denis Schneider, Cécile Berthe, Camille Gache, Lily Fogg, Viliame Waqalevu, et al.. 2021. Assessment Of Ecological Status Of The Lagoon Of Bora-Bora Island (French Polynesia). Regional Studies In Marine Science 43: 101687. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101687.