Global change

General topics

The objective of this research axis is to federate collaborations on the impacts of global changes on biodiversity at multiple scales and organisational levels, thereby promoting collaborations between research teams, with a particular emphasis on applied research questions. This research focus will mainly be organised around thematic or methodologic workshops and on a continuous communication of global change research in the lab to promote the emergence of between-team collaborations. For example, a central research question will be to understand how small-scale (e.g. organism) research can inform questions and methods developed at large scale and vice-versa. We expect this type of transdisciplinary to result in the emergence of collaborations between research fields inside of the lab and diversify the breadth of research questions that will be addressed. In addition, a better integration of social sciences will be promoted through socio-ecosystemic approaches in collaboration with social scientists. This improved integration will improve the dissemination of results from ecological and biological sciences towards society (e.g., environmental management decision making or appropriation of decisions by stakeholders).

A particular effort will also be made on the link between conceptual or numerical models and in situ observations. Different study areas will be focussed for global changes:  Titicaca lake - monitoring of different environmental parameters at different temporal and spatial scales and characterisation of water quality and fish resources in order to evaluate the impacts of global changes; Baie de Seine - monitoring of additive impacts between climate change, new marine energy infrastructures, fisheries and other direct pressures on ecosystem functioning; the Southern Ocean (Adélie Land, Kerguelen plateau) - biotic and abiotic monitoring on benthic ecosystems and assemblages, with a special focus on demersal fishes; Polar and subantarctic fronts of the Southern Ocean - biogeographic study of pelagic species, assessment of global change impacts on pelagic diversity with different scenarios.


Haliotis tuberculata, coquille aragonitique - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Crassostrea gigas, coquille mixte aragonite/calcite - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Perturbations de la nacre chez les juvéniles d'Ormeau - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Perturbations de la nacre chez les juvéniles d'Ormeau - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Malformations larvaires chez l'Ormeau - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Malformations larvaires chez l'Ormeau - S. Auzoux-Bordenave
Suivi de la reproduction chez le Buccin Buccinum undatum - K. Kellner
Suivi de la reproduction chez le Buccin Buccinum undatum - K. Kellner