- Membres
- François MEUNIER
François MEUNIER
François MEUNIER
MNHN Paris
Distinguished researcher
The French National Museum of Natural History
+33 1 40 79 37 61
General topics
- Ostéologie, Histologie osseuse comparée et Paléohistologie des Ostéichthyens; Processus d'hyperostose chez les Téléostéens; Régénération du squelette caudal chez les Téléostéens; Histomorphométrie de l'os
- Structure des écailles et leur évolution chez les Actinoptérygiens actuels et fossiles ainsi que chez les Sarcoptérygiens dont Coelacanthes actuels et fossiles
- Etude du poumon régressé de Latimeria
- Evolution et Phylogénie des Polyptériformes et des Téléostéens Osteoglossomorpha et Ostariophysaires (Gymnotiformes et Siluriformes)
- Squelettochronologie, estimation de l'âge des Téléostéens
- Biodiversité ichtyologique des eaux douces de Guyane
Mots Clés : Ostéichthyens: histologie, paléohistologie, dents, os, écailles, ichtyodiversité guyanaise
My Papers
Fernández, Jorge Mondéjar, François J Meunier, Richard Cloutier, Gaël Clément, and Michel Laurin. 2022. “Life History And Ossification Patterns In Miguashaia Bureaui Reveal The Early Evolution Of Osteogenesis In Coelacanths”. Peerj 10: e13175. doi:10.7717/peerj.1317510.37473/fic/10.7717/peerj.13175. https://peerj.com/articles/13175.
Brito, Paulo M, Jésus Alvarado-Ortega, and François J Meunier. 2022. “Histological Study Of The Oral Teeth And Their Bony Support In The Mexican Jurassic Gar †Nhanulepisosteus Mexicanus (Ginglymodii, Lepisosteidae)”. doi:10.26028/CYBIUM/2022-461-002. https://www.sfi-cybium.fr/fr/histological-study-oral-teeth-and-their-bony-support-mexican-jurassic-gar-†nhanulepisosteus.
Germain, Damien , and François J Meunier. 2020. “A Tomographic Study Of The Histological Structure Of Teeth In The Gilthead Sea Bream,”. Journal Of Fish Biology 97 (1): 273 - 278. doi:10.1111/jfb.v97.110.1111/jfb.14373. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/10958649/97/1.
Fernández, Jorge Mondéjar, and François J Meunier. 2020. “New Histological Information On Holoptychius Agassiz, 1839 (Sarcopterygii, Porolepiformes) Provides Insights Into The Palaeoecological Implications And Evolution Of The Basal Plate Of The Scales Of Osteichthyans”. Historical Biology: 1 - 13. doi:10.1080/08912963.2020.1786552. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08912963.2020.1786552.
Meunier, François J. 2019. “Fish Skeletal Tissues”. In Fish Histology (Kirschbaum F & Formicki K) . Taylor & Francis Group.
Cupello, C , Gaël Clément, François J Meunier, Marc Herbin, Yoshikata Yabumoto, and Paulo M Brito. 2019. “The Long Time Adaptation Of Coelacanths To Moderate Deep Water: Reviewing The Evidences”. Bulletin Of Kitakyushu Museum Of Natural History And Human History. Series A: Natural History 17: 29-35.
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Meunier, François J, C Cupello, and Gaël Clément. 2019. “The Skeleton And The Mineralized Tissues Of The Living Coelacanths”. Bulletin Of Kitakyushu Museum Of Natural History And Human History. Series A: Natural History 17: 37-48.
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Germain, D , NK Schnell, and François J Meunier. 2019. “Histological Data On Bone And Teeth In Two Dragonfìshes (Stomiidae; Stomiiformes): Borostomiaspanamensis Regan & Trewavas, 1929 And Stomias Boa Reinhardt 1842”. Cybium 43 (1): 103-107. doi:10.26028/cybium/2019-431-010. http://sfi-cybium.fr/fr/histological-data-bone-and-teeth-two-dragonfishes-stomiidae-stomiiformes-borostomias-panamensis.
Davesne, Donald , François J Meunier, Armin D Schmitt, Matt Friedman, Olga Otero, and Roger BJ Benson. 2019. “The Phylogenetic Origin And Evolution Of Acellular Bone In Teleost Fishes: Insights Into Osteocyte Function In Bone Metabolism”. Biological Reviews. doi:10.1111/brv.12505. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/brv.12505.
Germain, D , and François J Meunier. 2019. “Teeth Of Extant Polypteridae And Amiidae Have Plicidentine Organization”. Acta Zoologica 100: 119-125. doi:10.1111/azo.12237. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/azo.12237.
Lecomte, F , François J Meunier, and Guy Duhamel. 2019. “Morphological And Histological Study Of The Scales Of The Grey Notothen, Lepidonotothen Squamifrons (Gunther 1880) (Nototheniidae; Perciformes; Teleostei)”. Cybium 43 (1): 097-101. doi:10.26028/cybium/2019-431-009. http://sfi-cybium.fr/fr/morphological-and-histological-study-scales-grey-notothen-lepidonotothen-squamifrons-günther-1880.
Meunier, François J, and Philippe Bearez. 2019. “Histological Study Of The Cutaneous Bony Scutes In The John Dory, Zeus Faber Linnaeus, 1758 (Teleostei: Zeiformes: Zeidae)”. Cahiers De Biologie Marine 60: 195-199. doi:10.21411/cbm.a.260f6487. http://application.sb-roscoff.fr/cbm/doi/10.21411/CBM.A.260F6487.
Meunier, François J, C Cupello, and Gaël Clément. 2019. “The Skeleton And The Mineralized Tissues Of The Living Coelacanths”. Bulletin Of Kitakyushu Museum Of Natural History And Human History. Series A: Natural History 17: 37-48.
Meunier, François J, Philippe Keith, and Michel Jégu. 2014. “Distocyclus Guchereauae A New Species Of Neotropical Electric Fish, (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae), From French Guiana.”. Cybium 38 (3): 223-230.
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