The Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae at the French National Museum of Natural History: A Century Old But Still Alive and Kicking! Including in Memoriam: Professor Alain Couté. Cryptogamie, Algologie 43 (3) – Appendix 3

TitleThe Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae at the French National Museum of Natural History: A Century Old But Still Alive and Kicking! Including in Memoriam: Professor Alain Couté. Cryptogamie, Algologie 43 (3) – Appendix 3
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsHamlaoui, S, Yéprémian, C, Duval, C, Marie, B, Djediat, C, Piquet, B, Bernard, C, Duperron, S
JournalCryptogamie, Algologie
Date PublishedJan-03-2022
Short TitleCryptogamie, Algologie
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Peer-reviewed articles
Publication coopération et recherche SUD