Title | Diet of the squid Moroteuthis ingens (Teuthoidea : Onychoteuthidae) in the upper slope waters of the Kerguelen Islands |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Authors | Cherel, Y, Duhamel, G |
Journal | Marine Ecology-Progress Series |
Volume | 250 |
Pagination | 197–203 |
ISSN | 0171-8630 |
Abstract | The diet of the onychoteuthid squid Moroteuthis ingens was investigated through stomach content analyses of 72 individuals collected aboard a trawler targeting Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the upper slope waters of the Kerguelen Archipelago. M. ingens is primarily piscivorous (67% by number and 87 % by reconstituted mass), although the diet also includes squids (12 and 12%, respectively) and crustaceans (21 and |
URL | http://apps.isiknowledge.com/InboundService.do?Func=Frame&product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&UT=WOS:000182851600018 |
DOI | 10.3354/meps250197 |