Environmental and stock effects on recruitment variability in the English Channel squid Loligo forbesi

TitleEnvironmental and stock effects on recruitment variability in the English Channel squid Loligo forbesi
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsChallier, L, Royer, J, Pierce, G-J, Bailey, N, Roel, B, Robin, J-P
JournalAquatic Living Resources

Recruitment variability is commonly attributed to variation in spawning stock size and environmental variability. Here, the abundance of Loligo forbesi in the English Channel was estimated using cohort analysis. Environmental and adult biomass effects on recruitment variation were then tested. A stochastic length-age key was included in the cohort analysis, considering inter-individual variability in age at length. The number of recruits and parental stock biomass per monthly age-class were computed for a series of 13 fishing seasons (1989-2002). Recruitment was examined in relation to adult biomass and environmental parameters (sea surface temperature, SST, and the North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO) at the time of hatching. Recruits were approximately 7 months old and recruitment for each annual cohort occurred between April and August. Squid bigger than the length at maturity were assumed to be spawners. In the spawning season (September December), spawners were 11-13 months old. Parametric stock-recruitment curves (Ricker, Beverton and Holt, Shepherd, etc.) fitted poorly, while SST was negatively correlated with recruitment in a simple linear model. Recruitment was unrelated to NAO. A model combining SST and adult biomass showed that recruitment is probably density-dependent when stock size is high, and negatively correlated with temperature. The study did not indicate obvious recruitment overfishing in the English Channel L. forbesi population.