BOREA research teams

Vue de face de la crevette hydrothermale rimicaris exoculata

Our group studies Deep sea chemosynthetic environments, such as hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps. Sunken wood or whale carcasses are also of interest to us.

The Knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate the structure, the dynamics, the functioning and the future of the aquatic populations is essential for the development of models an

ARMS : Mini-HLM dans l’île d’Europa, deux ans après la pose (10 m de profondeur) - H. Bruggemann

The team EcoFunc’s objectives are to establish a link between individuals’ functions (growth, reproduction, bleaching, toxicity, metabolism, diet, migration, etc), ecosystem’s fu

ILL EMERGE Embryon de petite roussette - A. Gautier

The team brings together colleagues from the unit specialized in ontogenesis processes, which are the processes that lead to the establishment of differentiated cells, tissues, o

An adult cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. Colored chromatophores, iridescent iridophores and white leucophores participate in the pigmentation of the skin - Y. Bassaglia

Our team is interested in regulations at the level of the organism, their molecular mechanisms and their role in the control, evolution and adaptation of biological life cycles.

The scientific concerns of the PhyPAQ team focus on the physiology of aquatic organisms for the development of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries.

Mangrove préservée dans la région de Rio de Janeiro, Brésil - G. Abril

In aquatic systems, organic matter, dissolved and particulate, impregnates quickly and durably, at small (hours, days, months) and large (years, decades ...) spatio-temporal scal