High fidelity of sea turtles to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture: New insights for the establishment of key marine conservation areas

TitleHigh fidelity of sea turtles to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture: New insights for the establishment of key marine conservation areas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSiegwalt, F, Benhamou, S, Girondot, M, Jeantet, L, Martin, J, Bonola, M, Lelong, P, Grand, C, Chambault, P, Benhalilou, A, Murgale, C, Maillet, T, Andreani, L, Campistron, G, Jacaria, F, Hielard, G, Arqué, A, Etienne, D, Gresser, J, Régis, S, Lecerf, N, Frouin, C, Lefebvre, F, Aubert, N, Vedie, F, Barnerias, C, Thieulle, L, Guimera, C, Bouaziz, M, Pinson, A, Flora, F, George, F, Eggenspieler, J, Woignier, T, Allénou, J-P, Louis-Jean, L, Chanteur, B, Béranger, C, Crillon, J, Brador, A, Habold, C, Le Maho, Y, Robin, J-P, Chevallier, D
JournalBiological Conservation
Date PublishedJan-10-2020
Short TitleBiological Conservation
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Peer-reviewed articles
Publication coopération et recherche SUD