Influence of nutrient enrichment on colonisation and photosynthetic parameters of hard substrate marine microphytobenthos

TitleInfluence of nutrient enrichment on colonisation and photosynthetic parameters of hard substrate marine microphytobenthos
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsVivier, B, Faucheux-Bourlot, C, Orvain, F, Chasselin, L, Jolly, O, Navon, M, Boutouil, M, Goux, D, Dauvin, J-C, Claquin, P
Pagination1 - 18
Date PublishedFeb-10-2023

This study aimed to assess the influence of nutrient enrichment on the development of microalgal biofilm on concrete and PVC cubes. Three mesocosms were utilized to create a nutrient gradient over a period of 28 days. Various parameters including biomass, photosynthetic activity, microtopography, and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were measured. Imaging PAM techniques were employed to obtain surface-wide data. Results revealed that nutrient availability had no significant impact on Chl a biomass and the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm). The photosynthetic capacity and efficiency were minimally affected by nutrient availability. Interestingly, the relationship between microphytobenthic (MPB) biomass and photosynthesis and surface rugosity exhibited distinct patterns. Negative reliefs showed a strong correlation with Fv/Fm, while no clear pattern emerged for biomass on rough concrete structures. Overall, our findings demonstrate that under conditions of heightened eutrophication, biofilm photosynthesis thrives in the fissures and crevasses of colonized structures regardless of nutrient levels. This investigation provides valuable insights into the interplay between nutrient availability and surface rugosity.

Short TitleBiofouling
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Peer-reviewed articles
Publication coopération et recherche SUD