Modeling Antarctic marine ecosystems

TitleModeling Antarctic marine ecosystems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsPalomares, MLD, Pruvost, P, Pitcher, TJ, Pauly, D
JournalUniversity of British Columbia Fisheries Centre Research Reports
Paginationi–ii, 1–98

This Fisheries Centre Research Report presents eleven papers that describe whole-ecosystem models of four Antarctic areas: the Antarctic Peninsula, Kerguelen Islands, Falkland Islands, and the Southern Plateau region, New Zealand. A mass-balance model, sources of data, and derivations of model parameters are detailed for each region. Dynamic simulation models for the Antarctic Peninsula and the Falklands provide preliminary explorations of critical issues in the management of their fisheries and the effects of climate. Analyses examine competition among krill-eating species, the spatial impacts of potential krill fisheries, and precautionary fishery limits established by management bodies.