- Membres
- Anne-Marie RUSIG
Anne-Marie RUSIG
Through the various research programs, the studies which I conduct on seaweeds are declined according to three levels: the coastal ecosystem, the communities and the organism respectively providing knowledge on the functioning of ecosystems and the impacts of the anthropic activities, on the dynamics of macroalgae, on the ecophysiology, on algal morphogenesis, and also algal molecules. Two main axes are developed:
- Biotechnologies of marine macroalgae : in vitro micropropagation, ecophysiology and phycoculture. I develop cultivation systems of macroalgae (Phaeophyceae, Rhodophycaea, Ulvophyceae) that have an economic interest to produce algal biomass which constitutes a raw material quality and which allows the preservation of natural resources. The choice of strategy of culture for each algal species is based on knowledge of its morphological and ecophysiological characteristics and on the elaboration of systems of in vitro multiplication either by exploiting cycle of algae, either by producing in vitro artificial seeds (protoplasts, neoformations, somatic embryos). In the objective to the application of the micropropagation to the phycoculture, the conception of an experimental “hatchery” for the culture of seaweed species with identified commercial potential allows the ongrowing , the transfer and the establishment of the plantlets produced in vitro on long-lines at sea or on shellfish structures (Regional research program NORMAND’ALG).
- Dynamics of seaweeds: Quantitative and qualitative studies of benthic seaweed communities in the Channel. Tools of evaluation for the quality of coastal waters: My expertise in identification of species of seaweeds (as well on the ground at the laboratory) allows me to study the species diversity and structure of populations of intertidal marine macroalgae in some sectors of the Lower-Normandy coats to determine the ecological status of algal species communities and their evolution (ZNIEFF-MER, REBENT-DCE-Manche, PROUESSE RECIF).
The regional problem of mass stranding of seaweeds led me to develop an environmental theme on the use of macroalgae as bioindicators of the quality of marine environment. Because of the symptoms of the impact of human activities in the coastal marine environment and in particular of nitrogen inputs, I try to use seaweeds as a tool to assess the quality of coastal waters in order to understand the genesis of accumulations summer affecting some coastal areas, the monitoring of the isotopic signatures (δ15N) in algae allowing to identify the origin of the anthropisation on the coastal ecosystem (urban/agricultural) and to map the sensitive coastal areas. Ultimately this research program could be used as a support of biomonitoring in order to define and set up a system of evaluation of the littoral quality of coastal waters by seaweeds in Lower-Normandy.
Keywords: seaweeds, plant biotechnologies, in vitro culture, ecophysiology, benthic seaweed communities, bioindication, quality of coastal water, (δ15N).
Co-director of thesis of Stéphanie Lemesle. Bioindicators of the marine environment. Use of the macroalgae like a tool for evaluation of the biological quality of coastal waters. Answer to problems of massive beachings seaweeds
Coordinator UCBN for the region research program (2012-2015) : Initiative and partnership synergy for development of innovative and sustainable practices in answer to the needs for the professionals. Agriculture and marine resources. Development of phycoculture as part of the diversification of the shellfish farming. (NORMAND' ALG)
My teaching activities are carried out to IBFA (Institute of Fundamental and Applied Biology) and ESIX (College of Engineers Food) of UCBN.
Licence 1 - U.E. Plant Biology and Mycology
Licence 2 - U.E Introduction to Marine Biology
Licence 3 - U.E Evolutionary Plant Biology / U.E.Plant Biology
- Master 1- U.E Ecosystems coasts / U.E Ecosystems and coastal environments / U.E Methodology: physiology of the marine organisms / U.E B biology of the development of the aquatic organisms.
- Master 2 applied AQUACAEN/ Master 2 research AQUACAEN- U.E. Quality and applications of seaweeds / U.E. Exploitation of shellfish species and seaweeds / U.E. Coastal ecosystems-trophic network.
Master ECOBIOVALO - Master 1- U.E. Plant Polymers and Their Applications / Master 2- U.E. Glycology Phycology Ecophysiology
Master 2 ALIBIOCAEN - U.E. Food Quality
Master 1 SVT - U.E. Microbiology Physiology Plant Biology
ESIX – U.E. Use of algae in the food
Person in charge of teaching credits of Licence of Plant Biology and Cell Biology
Director scientific of projects of Master 2 AQUACAEN (Alexandre Erraud, Emilie Gouhier, Mabel Lestarquit, 2013-2014)
Referee pour la revue Journal of Applied Phycology
Expert seaweeds for Regional Scientific Council of the Natural Heritage of Lower-Normandy
International Foundation for Science (IFS): expertise of projects and research grants
Regional council of Brittany : expertise of research projects
Expertise for the national police force
Person in charge of directed works and practical works of the Licence 3 : U.E. Plant Biology and U.E. Plant Biology and Evolutionary Plant Biology
Member of the steering committee of Licence (2010-2014) of Master 2 Aquacaen (2012-2015).
Member of the steering committee of thesis of Trang NGuyen - University of Nantes
Member of Regional Scientific Council of the Natural Heritage of Lower-Normandy since 2007.
My Papers
Lemesle, Stéphanie , Anne-Marie Rusig, and Isabelle Mussio. 2023. “Local Scale High Frequency Monitoring Of Seaweed Strandings Along An Intertidal Shore Of The English Channel (Luc-Sur-Mer, Normandy France) – Effect Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors”. Aquatic Botany 186: 103616. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2023.103616. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0304377023000013.
Lemesle S., Rusig, A. M., & Mussio, I. 2023. Local scale high frequency monitoring of seaweed strandings along an intertidal shore of the English Channel (Luc-sur-Mer, Normandy France.pdf (2.47 MB)
Vivier, Baptiste , Jean-Claude Dauvin, Maxime Navon, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Francis Orvain, Mohamed Boutouil, and Pascal Claquin. 2021. “Marine Artificial Reefs, A Meta-Analysis Of Their Design, Objectives And Effectiveness”. Global Ecology And Conservation: e01538. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01538. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2351989421000883.
Lemesle, Stéphanie , Alexandre Erraud, Isabelle Mussio, Anne-Marie Rusig, and Pascal Claquin. 2016. “Dynamics Of Δ(15)N Isotopic Signatures Of Different Intertidal Macroalgal Species: Assessment Of Bioindicators Of N Sources In Coastal Areas.”. Mar Pollut Bull 110 (1): 470-83. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.06.006.
Claquin, Pascal , Fanny Leroy, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Eric Feunteun, Aurélie Foveau, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2015. “Artificial Reef: Multiscale Monitoring Of Colonization And Primary Production - Récif Artificiel: Mise En Place D’un Suivi De La Colonisation A Plusieurs Échelles”. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems . ESITC Caen.
Leroy, Fanny , Mabel Lestarquit, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Déborah Roussel, Camille Napoléon, and Pascal Claquin. 2015. “Installation Of Microphytobenthos Biofilm On Concretes Of Different Compositions - Mise En Place D’un Biofilm Microphytobenthique Sur Des Bétons De Différentes Compositions”. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems. ESITC Caen.
Foveau, Aurélie , Jean-Claude Dauvin, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, and Pascal Claquin. 2015. “Colonisation À Court Terme Par Le Benthos Sur Un Éco-Récif Artificiel”. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems. ESITC Caen.
Lestarquit, Mabel , Isabelle Mussio, Anne-Marie Rusig, and Pascal Claquin. 2015. “Effet Du Matériau Du Récif Artificiel Sur La Colonisation Par Les Macroalgues En Conditions Contrôlées”. Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems. ESITC Caen.
Lemesle, Stéphanie , Isabelle Mussio, Anne-Marie Rusig, Florence Menet-Nédélec, and Pascal Claquin. 2015. “Impact Of Seaweed Beachings On Dynamics Of Δ(15)N Isotopic Signatures In Marine Macroalgae.”. Mar Pollut Bull. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.06.010.