- Membres
- Antoine COLLIN
Antoine COLLIN
Antoine COLLIN
MNHN Station marine Dinard
Assistant professor
External collaborators
General topics
Antoine COLLIN is a coastal geospatial ecologist motivated by identifying and modelling interactions between land-sea ecosystems with their environment. He has more than fifteen-year-old experience in the ecological spatial patterns and processes of the seamless coastal fringe across temperate, polar and tropical climates using spaceborne, airborne (including UAV) LiDAR and multispectral sensors, sonar imagery, and machine learning (including deep learning) methodology.
My Papers
Gairin, Emma , Lana Minier, Thomas Claverie, Charlotte R Dromard, Tehani Maueau, Antoine Collin, Bruno Frédérich, Frédéric Bertucci, and David Lecchini. 2023. “Coral Reef Fish Communities Of Natural Habitats And Man-Made Coastal Structures In Bora-Bora (French Polynesia)”. Belgian Journal Of Zoology 153. doi:10.26496/bjz.2023.109. https://www.belgianjournalofzoology.eu/BJZ/article/view/109.
Courteille, Marine , Matthieu Jeanson, Antoine Collin, Dorothée James, Thomas Claverie, Michel Charpentier, Emma Gairin, et al.. 2022. “Characterisation Of Long-Term Evolution (1950–2016) And Vulnerability Of Mayotte’s Shoreline Using Aerial Photographs And A Multidisciplinary Vulnerability Index”. Regional Studies In Marine Science 55: 102537. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102537. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2352485522001918.
Giraud-Renard, Eléa , Franck Dolique, Antoine Collin, Dorothée James, Emma Gairin, Marine Courteille, Océane Beaufort, et al.. 2022. “Long-Term Evolution Of The Guadeloupean Shoreline (1950–2017)”. Journal Of Coastal Research 38 (5). doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-21-00161.1. https://bioone.org/journals/journal-of-coastal-research/volume-38/issue-5/JCOASTRES-D-21-00161.1/Long-Term-Evolution-of-the-Guadeloupean-Shoreline-19502017/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-21-00161.1.full.
Ternon, Quentin , Antoine Collin, Eric Feunteun, Frédéric Ysnel, Valentin Danet, Manon Guillaume, and Pierre Thiriet. 2022. European Spatial Data For Coastal And Marine Remote Sensinglocal Circalittoral Rocky Seascape Structuring Fish Community: Insights From A Photogrammetric Approach. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16213-810.1007/978-3-031-16213-8_16. https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-16213-8.
Selmoni, Oliver , Gaël Lecellier, Lara Ainley, Antoine Collin, Raimana Doucet, Vaimiti Dubousquet, Hudson Feremaito, et al.. 2020. “Using Modern Conservation Tools For Innovative Management Of Coral Reefs: The Manaco Consortiumvideo_1.Mp4”. Frontiers In Marine Science 7. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.0060910.3389/fmars.2020.00609.s001. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmars.2020.00609/full.