- Membres
- Christophe LELONG
Christophe LELONG
Christophe LELONG
UCN Caen
Assistant professor
University of Caen Normandy
+33 2 31 56 52 93
+33 2 31 56 53 43
General topics
Reproduction of the bivalve mollusc, Crassostrea gigas. Regulation of the gene expression during the gametogenesis – Identification and characterization of the stem cell in oyster
Cell biology, Molecular Biology, Zoology
Responsible of teaching modules : M2 « exploitations des espèces conchylicoles et algales », dans la spécialité Aquacaen du Master SECC (Sciences des Environnements Continentaux et Côtiers).
Curator tasks
Gestion of the zoological collection of the University of Caen – Basse Normandie
Administrative responsibilities
- 2015-2019 Appointed member of the Conseil National des Universités - Collègue Maîtres de Conférences – Section 68e Biologie des Organismes
- 2011- 2015 Elected member of the Conseil National des Universités – Collègue Maîtres de Conférences – Section 68e Biologie des Organismes
- 2007- 2011 Appointed member of the Conseil National des Universités – Collègue Maîtres de Conférences – Section 68e Biologie des Organismes
- 2009-2015 Co-responsible of the platforme PROTEOGEN (functional genomics , SFR4206 ICORE, Université de Caen - Basse Normandie)
- 2015-2017 Member of the Directorate of the IBFA (Institut of Fundamental and Applied Biology - Unit of teaching and Research University of Caen Normandie)
- 2009- Coordinator of the ACS 68e
- 2009- Member of sélection Committee of the University of Sciences et Technologies - Lille 1
- 2011- Member of the directive committee of the NGS Platform
- 2013- Coordinator of the Oyster Reference Center (Institut Mer Littoral, UCN)