- Membres
- Clara PERON
My research focuses on the spatial dynamics of animal populations and its implications for the management of protected or exploited populations. I aim to understand the ecological and physical factors that govern population dynamics and the spatial distribution of marine species in order to propose appropriate and effective management measures.
To achieve this, I utilize empirical data on species distribution, individual movement, dietary habits, and life history traits such as longevity, growth, and maturity. I also employ modeling tools to comprehend and predict population responses to environmental and ecosystem changes, as well as anthropogenic pressures such as fishing.
My research lies at the intersection of several disciplines, including ecology, oceanography, conservation biology, and fisheries science.
I strive to comprehend the intrinsic factors (physiological, energetic) and extrinsic factors (climate, prey availability) that govern species' choices of movement and habitat utilization across various temporal and spatial scales. Such information is crucial for implementing population monitoring protocols and/or effective conservation measures.
Most of my research has focused on marine predators (seabirds, marine mammals, and fish) in different ecosystems (Southern Ocean, Western Mediterranean, Benguela Current) and at a global scale.
Since 2018, my research has been primarily focused on benthic fish species inhabiting the peri-insular plateaus and seamounts of the Southern Ocean, particularly the Patagonian toothfish, which is exploited in the exclusive economic zones of Crozet and Kerguelen, belonging to France.
- Mer de Ross, Antarctique (2023). Campagne halieutique d'estimation du recrutement de légine antarctique. NIWA.
- Plateau de Kerguelen, TAAF (2022). Campagne en mer Obs Australe sur le Marion Dufresne. Programme THEMISTO. MNHN.
Plateau de Kerguelen, TAAF (2018). Campagne en mer MOBYDICK sur le Marion Dufresne. MNHN.
Boa Vista, Cap Vert (2017). Campagne en mer Monaco Explorations sur le Yersin. Expédition mégafaune marine. IRD.
Ile Malgas, Afrique du Sud (2013). Suivis biotélémétriques des fous du Cap. CNRS.
Ile Rouzic, France (2013). Suivis biotélémétriques des fous de Bassan. CNRS.
Punakaiki, Nouvelle-Zélande (2013). Suivis biotélémétriques des Westland petrels. Museum Te Papa Tongarewa. CNRS.
Iles méditerranée, France (2011-2012). Suivis biotélémétriques des puffins. CNRS.
Archipel Kerguelen, TAAF (2007-2008). Suivis biotélémétriques et comptages d’oiseaux marins. CNRS.
Southport, Australie (2006). Échantillonnage de poissons. Griffith University.
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Mission d'expertise pour la gestion des pêches australes françaises auprès des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF) et de la Direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture (DG-AMPA) :
Espèces exploitées dans les TAAF :
- La légine australe dans les zones économiques exclusives des îles Kerguelen et Crozet (océan Austral),
- La langouste et le poisson de Saint Paul et d'Amsterdam (Océan Indien Sud)
- La légine australe ou antarctique dans les zones gérées par des conventions internationales : CCAMLR et SIOFA.
Plus d'informations sur mes activités d'expertise sont disponibles sur le site du Programme d'observation des pêches de l'océan Austral.
Co présidente du groupe de travail "Statistiques, évaluations et modélisation" de la CCAMLR (depuis 2018).
- Membre nommée du conseil consultatif des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF) depuis 2020
- Membre nommée du conseil consultatif de la Réserve Naturelle Nationale des TAAF depuis 2020
- Membre nommée de la Commission Nationale de la Flotte Côtière (CNFC) depuis 2023
My Papers
Maschette, Dale , Paul Burch, Bryn Farmer, Emma Woodcock, Clara Péron, Breanna Cramer, Caleb Gardner, and Dirk C Welsford. 2024. “Population Dynamics And Spatial Structure Of The Grey Rockcod (Lepidonotothen Squamifrons) In The Vicinity Of Heard Island And The Mcdonald Islands”. Plos One 19 (5): e0298754. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0298754. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0298754.
Maschette Plos One - rockcod biology 2024.pdf (3.33 MB)
Faure, Johanna , Matthieu Authier, Félix Massiot-Granier, Floriane Plard, and Clara Péron. 2024. “Post-Release Survival Of Whiteleg Skate (Amblyraja Taaf) Caught As Bycatch On Demersal Longlines In Deep Waters Of The Southern Ocean (Crozet Archipelago)”. Ices Journal Of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae073. https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsae073/7690876.
Faure, Johanna , Nicolas Gasco, Céline Bonillo, Jean-Marie Munaron, Yves Cherel, and Clara Péron. 2023. “Feeding Ecology Of Two Deep-Sea Skates Bycaught On Demersal Longlines Off Kerguelen Islands, Southern Indian Ocean”. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 194: 103980. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2023.103980. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0967063723000195.
Clark, Bethany L, Ana PB Carneiro, Elisabeth J Pearmain, Marie-Morgane Rouyer, , Clara Péron, and al .. 2023. “Global Assessment Of Marine Plastic Exposure Risk For Oceanic Birds”. Nature Communications 14 (3665). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-38900-z. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38900-z.
Cotté, C. , A. Ariza, A. Berne, J. Habasque, A. Lebourges-Dhaussy, G. Roudaut, B. Espinasse, et al.. 2022. “Macrozooplankton And Micronekton Diversity And Associated Carbon Vertical Patterns And Fluxes Under Distinct Productive Conditions Around The Kerguelen Islands”. Journal Of Marine Systems 226: 103650. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103650. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0924796321001457.
Steinberg, Madeline , Jean-Baptiste Juhel, Virginie Marques, Clara Péron, Régis Hocdé, Andréa Polanco Fernández, Loïc Pellissier, Sebastien Villeger, David Mouillot, and Tom B Letessier. 2022. “Similar Trait Structure And Vulnerability In Pelagic Fish Faunas On Two Remote Island Systems”. Marine Biology 169 (1). doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03998-6. https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00227-021-03998-6.
Courbin, Nicolas , Lorien Pichegru, Mduduzi Seakamela, Azwianewi Makhado, Michael Meÿer, Pieter GH Kotze, Steven AMc Cue, Clara Péron, and David Grémillet. 2022. “Seascapes Of Fear And Competition Shape Regional Seabird Movement Ecology”. Communications Biology 5 (1). doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03151-z. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-022-03151-z.
Subramaniam, Roshni C, Stuart P Corney, Jessica Melbourne-Thomas, Clara Péron, Philippe Ziegler, and Kerrie M Swadling. 2022. “Spatially Explicit Food Web Modelling To Consider Fisheries Impacts And Ecosystem Representation Within Marine Protected Areas On The Kerguelen Plateauabstract”. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 79 (4): 1327 - 1339. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsac056. https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/article/79/4/1327/6572845.
Morera‐Pujol, Virginia , Paulo Catry, Maria Magalhães, Clara Péron, José Manuel Reyes‐González, José Pedro Granadeiro, Teresa Militão, et al.. 2022. “Methods To Detect Spatial Biases In Tracking Studies Caused By Differential Representativeness Of Individuals, Populations And Time”. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13642. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.13642.
Faure, Johanna , Clara Péron, Nicolas Gasco, Félix Massiot-Granier, J Spitz, C Guinet, and P Tixier. 2021. “Contribution Of Toothfish Depredated On Fishing Lines To The Energy Intake Of Killer Whales Off The Crozet Islands: A Multi-Scale Bioenergetic Approach”. Marine Ecology Progress Series 668: 149 - 161. doi:10.3354/meps13725. https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v668/p149-161/.
Faure et al MEPS 2021.pdf (368.77 KB)
Ziegler, Philippe , Paul Burch, Clara Péron, Dirk Welsford, Farmer Bryn, Peter Yates, J. Potts, et al.. 2021. “Development Of Robust Assessment Methods And Harvest Strategies For Spatially Complex, Multi-Jurisdictional Toothfish Fisheries In The Southern Ocean”. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project n°2013/013. http://ecite.utas.edu.au/143108.
Subramaniam, Roshni C, Jessica Melbourne-Thomas, Stuart P Corney, Karen Alexander, Clara Péron, Philippe Ziegler, and Kerrie M Swadling. 2020. “Time-Dynamic Food Web Modeling To Explore Environmental Drivers Of Ecosystem Change On The Kerguelen Plateau”. Frontiers In Marine Science 7: 641. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00641. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmars.2020.00641.
Grémillet, David , Clara Péron, Amélie Lescroël, Jérôme Fort, Samantha C Patrick, Aurélien Besnard, and Pascal Provost. 2020. “No Way Home: Collapse In Northern Gannet Survival Rates Point To Critical Marine Ecosystem Perturbation”. Marine Biology 167 (12). doi:10.1007/s00227-020-03801-y. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00227-020-03801-y.
Clavareau, Lyndsay , Martin P Marzloff, Verena M Trenkel, Catherine M Bulman, Sophie Gourguet, Bertrand Le Gallic, Pierre-Yves Hernvann, et al. 2020. “Comparison Of Approaches For Incorporating Depredation On Fisheries Catches Into Ecopath”. Ices Journal Of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa219. https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa219/6000671.
Tixier, Paul , Paul Burch, Félix Massiot-Granier, Philippe Ziegler, Dirk Welsford, Mary-Anne Lea, Mark A Hindell, et al.. 2020. “Assessing The Impact Of Toothed Whale Depredation On Socio-Ecosystems And Fishery Management In Wide-Ranging Subantarctic Fisheries”. Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries 30: 203-217. doi:10.1007/s11160-020-09597-w. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11160-020-09597-w.
Courbin, Nicolas , Tendai Chinho, Lorien Pichegru, Ambalika Verma-Grémillet, Clara Péron, Peter G Ryan, and David Grémillet. 2020. “The Dance Of The Cape Gannet May Contain Social Information On Foraging Behaviour”. Animal Behaviour 166: 95-108. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347220301718.
Orgeret, F. , Clara Péron, M. R Enstipp, K. Delord, H. Weimerskirch, and C. A Bost. 2019. “Exploration During Early Life: Distribution, Habitat And Orientation Preferences In Juvenile King Penguins”. Movement Ecology 7 (1). doi:10.1186/s40462-019-0175-3. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40462-019-0175-3#citeas.
Austin, Rhiannon E, Russell B Wynn, Stephen C Votier, Clive Trueman, Miguel McMinn, Ana Rodríguez, Lavinia Suberg, et al.. 2019. “Patterns Of At-Sea Behaviour At A Hybrid Zone Between Two Threatened Seabirds”. Scientific Reports 9 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-51188-8. http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-51188-8.
Duhamel, Guy , Clara Péron, Romain Sinègre, Charlotte Chazeau, Nicolas Gasco, Mélyne Hautecoeur, Alexis Martin, Isabelle Durand, and Romain Causse. 2019. “Important Readjustments In The Biomass And Distribution Of Groundfish Species In The Northern Part Of The Kerguelen Plateau And Skiff Bank.”. In The Kerguelen Plateau: Marine Ecosystem And Fisheries, Welsford, D., J. Dell and G. Duhamel (Eds), 135-184. Kingston, Tasmania, Australia.: Australian Antarctic Division. http://heardisland.antarctica.gov.au.
Duhamel et al - CCAMLR Science 2019.pdf (6.29 MB)
Le Bot, Tangi , Amélie Lescroël, Jérôme Fort, Clara Péron, Olivier Gimenez, Pascal Provost, and David Grémillet. 2019. “Fishery Discards Do Not Compensate Natural Prey Shortage In Northern Gannets From The English Channel”. Biological Conservation 236: 375 - 384. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.05.040. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006320718310930.
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