- Membres
- Fabienne AUDEBERT
My specialty is animal parasitology and my research activities are divided into four main themes:
- Life cycles, morphology and morphogenesis
- The study of co-evolution of parasites and their hosts; their molecular biology and phylogeny
- Systematics and descriptions of new species
- The identification of parasites and the creation of knowledge bases with Xper 2 and 3
I work on two large groups of parasites: the Cirripedia (barnacles) and Trichostrongylina (Nematodes) intestinal parasites terrestrial vertebrate
Cirripedia Biology
Through a comparative study of various barnacles, my colleague Nicolas Rabet and I are interested in the origin of barnacle parasitism. The cirripede group is therefore a very interesting one in which to understand the relationships between organisms. Indeed, even within this group, there are many sessile animals attached to a mineral or a living organism (such as barnacles on mussel shells) substrate. When a cirripede settles on a living organism, the "degrees of relationship" can range from simple phoresis (mussel/barnacle) or mutualism (sponge and the barnacle Acasta), to the extreme relationship of parasitism (green crab and Sacculina). My new research project is to study these interactions between the biological life cycles and the morphology of various barnacles; the morphogenesis of the larvae; and their coevolution with their host. We would also like to understand how they "choose" their host, which can be highly specific (as in the phoresis between the barnacle and whale).
In this comparative approach, we use the Sacculina (Sacculina carcini), which is a parasite of the green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the sessile barnacles Balanus amphitrite and Elminius modestus. We compare in detail the morphology, anatomy and larval behavior of these different species to better understand the acquisition of substrate selectivity and anatomical changes following metamorphosis.
Nematode Biology
Our objectives are to understand the evolution of the Trichostrongylina nematodes by studying the biology (life cycles, morphogenesis, distribution, histopathology, and host-switching assays) and the systematics of these parasites from morphological and molecular analyses. I am also interested in creating a knowledge base for the identification of Trichostrongylina species.
I have been an Assistant Professor at UPMC since February 2004 where I teach courses on organism biology, parasitology, and professional career skills.
The laboratory work and discussion sections for organism biology courses are for 2nd and 3rd year students.
The laboratory work and discussion sections for symbiosis in marine and terrestrial environments course are for master 1 students.
Discussion section for professional career skill courses are for master 1 students and 2nd year students.
Nous avons créé de novo la Dr Lee Ann Galindo une collection patrimoniale au MNHN de Sacculines (350 spécimens environ),
elles ont été enregistrées, photographiées. Une collection de tissus a également été prélevée.
Cette collection a été réalisée dans le but de valoriser les récoltes de carcinologie faites durant les campagnes océanographiques des différentes missions réalisées au MNHN.
- Since 2012: Teaching and managing the professional career skills of master students SDUEE- UPMC
- Since 2013: Elected member of EFU of master SDUEE-UPMC
- Since October 2013: Deputy Director of UFR 918 “Terre Environnement Biodiversité”
- Since 2012: Elected member of the administrative committee, teaching committee, scientific committee and staff committee of UFR 918
- Since 2009: Elected member of the assistant professor 68th section UPMC
My Papers
Mathews, Patrick D, Nicolas Rabet, Luis L Espinoza, Vincent Haÿ, Céline Bonillo, Philippe Keith, Clara Lord, and Fabienne Audebert. 2023. “Discovery Of A Digenean (Cryptogonimidae) Living In A Cleft-Lipped Goby, Sicyopterus Cynocephalus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) From Ranongga Island, Solomon Islands: Analysis Of Multiple Ribosomal Dna Regions”. Pathogens 12 (7): 923. doi:10.3390/pathogens12070923. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/12/7/923.
Mathews, Patrick D, Céline Bonillo, Nicolas Rabet, Clara Lord, Romain Causse, Philippe Keith, and Fabienne Audebert. 2021. “Phylogenetic Analysis And Characterization Of A New Parasitic Cnidarian (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) Parasitizing Skin Of The Giant Mottled Eel From The Solomon Islands”. Infection, Genetics And Evolution 94: 104986. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2021.104986. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1567134821002835.
Milanin, Tiago , Patrick D Mathews, André C Morandini, Omar Mertins, Fabienne Audebert, Jose OL Pereira, and Antonio AM Maia. 2021. “Morphostructural Data And Phylogenetic Relationships Of A New Cnidarian Myxosporean Infecting Spleen Of An Economic And Ecological Important Bryconid Fish From Brazil”. Microbial Pathogenesis 150: 104718. doi:10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104718. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0882401020310846.
Mathews, Patrick D, Omar Mertins, Luis L Espinoza, Tiago Milanin, Gema Alama-Bermejo, Fabienne Audebert, and André C Morandini. 2020. “Taxonomy And 18S Rdna-Based Phylogeny Of Henneguya Multiradiatus N. Sp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) A Parasite Of Brochis Multiradiatus From Peruvian Amazon”. Microbial Pathogenesis 147: 104372. doi:10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104372. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0882401020307385.
Tredez, Fabien , Nicolas Rabet, L Bellec, and Fabienne Audebert. 2017. “Synchronism Of Naupliar Development Of Sacculina Carcini Thompson, 1836 (Pancrustacea, Rhizocephala) Revealed By Precise Monitoring”. Helgoland Marine Research 70 (26): 1-11.
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