- Membres
- Joël HENRY
Basic research: Control of gamete release and associated behaviors in marine mollusks.
Main model: the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis.
Three types of controllers are considered: (1) neuropeptides associated with the onset of spawning, (2) ovarian regulatory peptides involved in controlling the transport of oocytes in the genital tract and in the secretion of capsular products, (3) peptide and polypeptide sex pheromones suspected of being responsible for the mating and the aggregation of mature cuttlefish on egg-laying areas.
Large scale production of transcriptomic data performed since 2012 from organs taken at different stages of maturity, allows for specific analysis in silico based on structural criteria and identify expression products by mass spectrometry. A list of (neuro) peptides candidates were finally established on the basis of tissue and temporal expression patterns.
The functional approach performed with mimetic peptides is based on myotropic tests (contraction of the oviduct, accessory glands of the reproductive tract, etc.), cell tests (mainly ovarian follicles) and behavioral tests in Y maze or open space.
A comparative approach is also developed on the Sepia officinalis versus Crassostrea gigas to understand the respective levels of involvement of the three types of regulators identified in marine mollusks that exhibit very different reproductive behaviors.
A thesis funded by the Basse-Normandie (2014-2017) explores the mechanisms of control of spawning with a comparative approach focused on both main models of marine mollusks studied in our lab: cuttlefish and oyster.
Applied research: supply marine aquaculture. Model: Dicentrarchus labrax
Development of aquaculture is reflected by an increase in demand for aquaculture feed. Because of the importance of nitrogenous compounds of low MW for species of aquaculture in feeding behavior, nutrition and health, the use of co-products of marine origin has become the specialty of our private partner, SPF DIANA Aquativ company. In this context, Aquativ develops and offers functional hydrolysates for the formulation of food for fish and shrimp reared in aquaculture.
The application of controlled hydrolysis process on marine by-products allows to generate high levels of low molecular weight peptides.
If performance of hydrolysates could be shown during livestock trials on several species of aquaculture interest, there remains a need for product characterization and understanding of mechanisms of action.
As part of a collaboration that began in 2011 with a thesis, and a renewal which results in a second thesis, we investigate the structural and functional characterization of two functional hydrolysates from each co-product of L. vannamei and O. niloticus. A transcripto-peptidomic approach is developed for the realization of molecular weight profile hydrolysates, for identifying hydrolytic peptides and to determine their tissue origin. The functionality of hydrolysates is checked by performing antibacterial tests on strains of pathogens encountered in intensive aquaculture systems as well as antioxidants tests. Finally, in close collaboration with the R & D department of the private partner, zootechnical tests (feeding challenge) allow monitoring of specific biomarkers in intestinal absorption and immunity by q-PCR or RNAseq in order to establish a link between the level hydrolysis, growth and health status of reared bars.
- Cell biology, lectures / tutorials and pratical works, L1
- Animal Biology, lectures, L1 and L3
- Animal Biodiversity, lectures, L1
- Introduction to marine biology, lectures, L2
- Program (5 hours / 15 hours):
- Overview of marine invertebrates (2h)
- From the molecule to the organism: methodological introduction (3h)
- Tide walk to discover the bodies of the foreshore
- Program (5 hours / 15 hours):
- Evolutionary and Comparative Endocrinology, lectures and tutorials, M1
- Program TUTORIALS (14h / 20h):
- Chap 1 Molecule communication
- Chap 2 Protein Peptides: definition and structure
- Chap 3 Peptides: extraction and separation
- Chap 4 Peptides: structural analysis
- Chap 5 Methods for in silico analysis of the precursor protein
- Lectures (6 hours / 30 hours):
- Origin, structure and function of waterborne pheromones
- Program TUTORIALS (14h / 20h):
- Teaching unit of practical works, Methodologies in physiology and marine ecophysiology, tutorials and practical works, M1
- Marine physiology:
- FMRFamide related peptides in the mussel Mytilus edulis:
- Demonstration of co-localization of the transcript, and expression products in the nerve ganglia
- Detection and structural analysis of FaRPs in the target tissues.
- Used technics: MALDI-TOF/TOF, RT-PCR, Immunocytochemistry.
- FMRFamide related peptides in the mussel Mytilus edulis:
- Marine physiology:
- Physiology of marine molluscs, lectures, M2R and PRO
- Introduction to the tools of research, lectures and management of students in technical platforms ICORE, M2 R
- 5 responsibilities Teaching Unit
- Manager of first year of the Aquacaen master
- Financial Manager master Aquacaen
- COFECUB (2012-2014): 2 cases
- CIFRE grants (2011): Expertise of a file involving a research unit of a large French university with one of the leading pharmaceutical and 2 university hospitals.
- Research Units (2013): appraisal / evaluation of 3 units UCBN within days "objective means" the Scientific Council of the institution decide on the allocation of funds "state".
- Application for the HDR (2012-2013): 3 Applications in 2013 as part of the Scientific Council.
- Scientific Journals: reviewer for peptides, neuropeptides, Regulatory Peptides.
- 35 publications
- 43 poster presentations
- 12 oral communications
- 3 patents
- 3 software
- 1 movie
- Scientific Council (Research Commission of the Academic Council) of the University of Caen Basse-Normandie
- Member of the Finance Committee
- Member of the Committee on Valuation
- Representative to the Board of UCBN AQUIMER pole
- Representative of the Academic Council of the CA UCBN naval station (CREC)
- Committee health and safety at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie
- Representative of the University of Caen in the CA AQUIMER pole
- Technical and financial manager of the technical platform PROTEOGEN (SF ICORE 4206)
- Coordinator of scientific programs:
- PETFOOD 2 (€ 243k)
- ACTISEP 1 (€ 43k)
My Papers
Zatylny-Gaudin, Céline , Erwan Corre, Bruno Zanuttini, Maxime Endress, Benoît Bernay, Julien Pontin, Alexandre Leduc, and Joël Henry. 2022. “Identification Of A New Set Of Polypeptidic Sex Pheromones From Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis)”. Marine Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s10126-022-10126-y. https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10126-022-10126-y.
Endress, Maxime , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Jérôme Leprince, Benjamin Lefranc, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguillé, Benoît Bernay, et al.. 2022. “Structural And Functional Characterization Of Orcokinin B-Like Neuropeptides In The Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis)”. Marine Drugs 20 (8): 505. doi:10.3390/md20080505. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-3397/20/8/505.
marinedrugs-20-00505.pdf (55.38 MB)
Houyvet, Baptiste , Alexandre Leduc, Valérie Cornet, Julien Pontin, Benoît Bernay, Joël Henry, Emilie Vetois, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2019. “Behavior Of Antimicrobial Peptide K4 In A Marine Environment.”. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins 11 (2): 676-686. doi:10.1007/s12602-018-9454-3.
Houyvet, Baptiste , B Zanuttini, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguillé, Joël Henry, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2018. “Design Of Antimicrobial Peptides From A Cuttlefish Database.”. Amino Acids. doi:10.1007/s00726-018-2633-4.
Endress, Maxime , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguillé, Louis Benoist, Jérôme Leprince, Benjamin Lefranc, et al.. 2018. “Crustacean Cardioactive Peptides: Expression, Localization, Structure, And A Possible Involvement In Regulation Of Egg-Laying In The Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis.”. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 1 (260): 67-79. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.12.009.
Zatylny-Gaudin, Céline , and Joël Henry. 2018. “Egg-Laying In The Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis”. In Biological Resources Of Water. doi:DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.71915.
Leduc, Alexandre , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Marie Robert, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguillé, Hélène Castel, Antoine Lefevre-Scelles, et al.. 2018. “Dietary Aquaculture By-Product Hydrolysates: Impact On The Transcriptomic Response Of The Intestinal Mucosa Of European Seabass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) Fed Low Fish Meal Diets”. Bmc Genomics 19 (396). doi:doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-4780-0.
Zatylny-Gaudin, Céline , Valérie Cornet, Alexandre Leduc, Bruno Zanuttini, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguillé, Benoît Bernay, Alexandra Kraut, Yohan Couté, and Joël Henry. 2016. “Neuropeptidome Of The Cephalopod Sepia Officinalis: Identification, Tissue Mapping, And Expression Pattern Of Neuropeptides And Neurohormones During Egg Laying.”. J Proteome Res. 15 (1): 48-67.
Zatylny-Gaudin-2016.pdf (5.33 MB)
Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2015. “Molecular Characterization Of Peptide Fractions Of A Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) By-Product Hydrolysate And In Vitro Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity”. Process Biochemistry 50 (3): 487-492.
Cornet, Valérie , Joël Henry, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2015. “The Toll/Nf-Κb Pathway In Cuttlefish Symbiotic Accessory Nidamental Gland.”. Dev Comp Immunol 53 (1): 42-46. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2015.06.016.
Cornet, Valérie , Joël Henry, Didier Goux, Emilie Duval, Benoît Bernay, Gildas Le Corguille, Erwan Corre, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2015. “How Egg Case Proteins Can Protect Cuttlefish Offspring?”. Plos One 10 (7): e0132836. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132836.
Cornet, Valérie , Joël Henry, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Bruno Zanuttini, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2014. “Dual Role Of The Cuttlefish Salivary Proteome In Defense And Predation.”. J Proteomics 108: 209-22. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2014.05.019.
Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2014. “Transcriptomic And Peptidomic Analysis Of Protein Hydrolysates From The White Shrimp (L. Vannamei).”. J Biotechnol 186: 30-7. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.06.020.
Gardères, Johan , Joël Henry, Benoît Bernay, Andrès Ritter, Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Matthias Wiens, Werner EG Müller, and Gaël Le Pennec. 2014. “Cellular Effects Of Bacterial N-3-Oxo-Dodecanoyl-L-Homoserine Lactone On The Sponge Suberites Domuncula (Olivi, 1792): Insights Into An Intimate Inter-Kingdom Dialogue.”. Plos One 9 (5): e97662. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097662.
Stewart, Michael J, Pascal Favrel, Bronwyn A Rotgans, Tianfang Wang, Min Zhao, Manzar Sohail, Wayne A O'Connor, Abigail Elizur, Joël Henry, and Scott F Cummins. 2014. “Neuropeptides Encoded By The Genomes Of The Akoya Pearl Oyster Pinctata Fucata And Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas: A Bioinformatic And Peptidomic Survey.”. Bmc Genomics 15: 840. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-840.