- Membres
My research concerns the neuroendocrine control of metamorphosis and reproduction in teleost fish. My biological models are the European eel, Anguilla Anguilla, and the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. The aim of my studies is to search for the actors of the different neuroendocrine axes, which are involved in the control of metamorphosis and reproduction. It is also to investigate their regulations by internal (such as sexual and metabolic hormones) and external (such as temperature and photoperiod) factors as well as their variations during development and sexual maturation.
The European eel is a species listed on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species since 2008. Indeed, global stock of European eel populations has been declining continuously over the last decades, and this decline is particularly alarming since the aquaculture for this species is still not self-sustained and relies entirely on glass eel stocks. One of the reasons for the difficulty to reproduce this species in captivity is that, at silver stage, this fish remains blocked at prepuberty as long as its reproductive oceanic migration does not occur. My researches aim at finding new actors of the reproductive axis (gonadotropic axis) and/or factors able to activate this axis, in order to propose innovative protocols to induce sexual maturity. The ultimate aim of theses studies is to participate in the establishment of a self-sustained aquaculture.
The Atlantic salmon performs a downstream migration towards the ocean, which requires drastic morphological, physiological and behavioural modifications, termed smoltification (secondary metamorphosis). In addition to be controlled by hormones, smoltification and downstream migration are influenced by environmental factors (photoperiod and temperature). Atlantic salmons from Allier River represent a unique population, the last one in Europe capable of a long migration (800km between estuary and first spawning grounds). This population, whose number has been reduced because of many anthropic factors (dams, habitat degradation, water pollution), is now classed as endangered. These last decades, climate warming and local human activities induced a mean water temperature increase of 2°C, which will be even amplified by global warming. My researches aim at characterizing the neuroendocrine control of smoltification and migration, and at studying the impact of water warming on this control, in a context of conservation of long river (Loire-Allier axis) salmon.
I take part in UDV3, 12 and 16 of MNHN Master « Evolution, Patrimoine naturel et sociétés » Speciality « Unité et Diversité du Vivant ».
I am a member of MNHN ethical committee (Cuvier committee).
My Papers
Rousseau, Karine , Sylvie Dufour, and Laurent M Sachs. 2021. “Interdependence Of Thyroid And Corticosteroid Signalling In Vertebrate Developmental Transitions”. Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution 9: 735487. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.735487.
Rousseau et al2021_Frontiers_Ecol_Evol.pdf (2.69 MB)
Dufour, Sylvie , and Karine Rousseau. 2020. “Endocrinology: An Evolutionary Perspective On Neuroendocrine Axes In Teleosts”. In The Physiology Of Fishes, Fifth Edition, Suzanne Curie and David H. Evans, Editors, 105-116. Boca Raton,FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781003036401 .
Pasquier, J , Anne-Gaelle Lafont, D Florian, B Lefranc, C Dubessy, A Moreno-Herrera, H Vaudry, J Leprince, Sylvie Dufour, and Karine Rousseau. 2018. “Eel Kisspeptins: Identification, Functional Activity, And Inhibition On Both Pituitary Lh And Gnrh Receptor Expression”. Frontiers In Endocrinology 8: 353. doi:10.3389/fendo.2017.00353.
Pasquier_Frontiers2018.pdf (1.22 MB)
Campo, Aurora , Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Benjamin Lefranc, Jérôme Leprince, Hervé Tostivint, Nedia Kamech, Sylvie Dufour, and Karine Rousseau. 2018. “Tachykinin-3 Genes And Peptides Characterized In A Basal Teleost, The European Eel: Evolutionary Perspective And Pituitary Role.”. Frontiers In Endocrinology 9: 304.
Campo et al 2018.pdf (3.75 MB)
Jolly, C , Karine Rousseau, L Prézeau, C Vol, J Tomkiewicz, Sylvie Dufour, and C Pasqualini. 2016. “Functional Characterization Of Eel Dopamine D2 Receptors And Involvement In The Direct Inhibition Of Pituitary Gonadotropins.”. J Neuroendocrinol. doi:10.1111/jne.12411.
Jolly_jne_12411_Rev_EV.PDF (637.36 KB)
Lafont, Anne-Gaelle , Karine Rousseau, Jonna Tomkiewicz, and Sylvie Dufour. 2016. “Three Nuclear And Two Membrane Estrogen Receptors In Basal Teleosts, Anguilla Sp.: Identification, Evolutionary History And Differential Expression Regulation.”. Gen Comp Endocrinol 235: 177-91. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.11.021.
LafontGCE2016.pdf (2.78 MB)
Morini, Marina , Jérémy Pasquier, Ron Dirks, Guido van den Thillart, Jonna Tomkiewicz, Karine Rousseau, Sylvie Dufour, and Anne-Gaelle Lafont. 2015. “Duplicated Leptin Receptors In Two Species Of Eel Bring New Insights Into The Evolution Of The Leptin System In Vertebrates.”. Plos One 10 (5): e0126008. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126008.
Morini_Lafont_PLoSOne2015.pdf (1.48 MB)
Rousseau, Karine , Sylvie Dufour, and Hubert Vaudry. 2015. “Editorial: A Comparative Survey Of The Rf-Amide Peptide Superfamily.”. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 6: 120. doi:10.3389/fendo.2015.00120.
Rousseau_et_al2015_fendo-06-00120.pdf (76.35 KB)
Pasquier, J , Nedia Kamech, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, H Vaudry, Karine Rousseau, and Sylvie Dufour. 2014. “Molecular Evolution Of Gpcrs: Kisspeptin/Kisspeptin Receptors.”. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 52 (3): 101-117.
PasquierJME2014.pdf (345.61 KB)
Pasquier, Jérémy , Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Karine Rousseau, Bruno Quérat, Philippe Chemineau, and Sylvie Dufour. 2014. “Looking For The Bird Kiss: Evolutionary Scenario In Sauropsids.”. Bmc Evol Biol 14 (1): 30. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-30.
Pasquier_BMC_Evol2014.pdf (5.79 MB)