- Membres
Project Manager for the Development of the Marine Fish Atlas of Metropolitan France.
Working in the BOREA unit's BIOPAC team, I'm in charge of developing the Atlas of Marine Fishes of Metropolitan France. My main objective is to prepare and manage the species sheets, as well as the cartography within this atlas.
This atlas will present the state of the art on the biology, ecology, conservation status and distribution of marine and diadromous fish species in the territorial waters of mainland France, based on research carried out by Béarez et al. (2017) and Iglesias et al. (2021). The project will also update the FishBase reference knowledge base (www.fishbase.org). This project, which is part of the Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel (INPN), will contribute to enriching the knowledge base on the life characteristics of species. Finally, this atlas will be an essential tool for validating national data and disseminating knowledge.