Fish conservation: importance of DNA reference library based on accurately identified specimens. The case of New Caledonian freshwater fish.

Fish conservation: importance of DNA reference library based on accurately identified specimens. The case of New Caledonian freshwater fish.

Mennesson, M. I., Charpin, N., & Keith, P. (2024). Fish conservation: importance of DNA reference library based on accurately identified specimens. The case of New Caledonian freshwater fishCybium, 48(3): 187-193.


DNA tools are increasingly used for identifying species, however, successful DNA-based identification requires a reference library of DNA sequences from accurately identified specimens. Here we present a reference library of COI and 12S sequences for New Caledonian freshwater fish. Our library contains 523 MNHN voucher specimens, representing 84 valid species compared to type specimens, including 11 new records. The development of this DNA library will allow managers and researchers to explore the ichthyodiversity of New Caledonia, to manage the species and to promote action or conservation plans. We encourage taxonomists to build and publish molecular libraries linked to species accurately identified and museum voucher specimens.

Contact: Marion I. Mennesson,


Marion MENNESSON's picture
MNHN Paris
Research assistant
The French National Museum of Natural History
Published on 07 Nov 2024
Updated on 09 Dec 2024