Offre de postdoc | Marine Biofilms Enlightened : using photonics to bring down the microbial fortress
Offre de postdoc | Marine Biofilms Enlightened : using photonics to bring down the microbial fortress
Post-doctoral position – Marine Biofilms Enlightened : using photonics to bring down the microbial fortress
Profile Description:
Funding: Brittany Region (France) and departmental council (Finistere)
Mentor: Dr. Cédric Hubas (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
Application deadline: 30/11/2020
Duration: minimum 18 months starting as soon as possible
Job description:
Biofilms are extremely difficult to eradicate because of their lower sensitivity to external aggressions (stress, antibiotics, ...). This resistance is largely due to the production of extracellular matrix that form a real defence fortress around the cells and to various microbial adaptative strategies. In the naval industry, dispersion of the biofilm is mainly achieved trough the use of severe biocides which are often released by the treated surface in the environment.
It is thus important to identify strategies that hamper biofilm formation or induce biofilm dispersion while using environmental friendly approaches. In the present study, we are particularly interested in passive dispersion methods, focusing on the development of innovative surfaces and dispersion modes. In particular, we will use the latest advances in the field of photonics to lead to the destruction of biofilms while ensuring minimal ecological impact.
In collaboration with academic and private partners, we aim to test, under natural and laboratory conditions, the effect of energy emission, transmission, modulation and amplification on biofilm structure and functioning. The successful candidate will conduct research aimed at quantifying and identifying changes in biofilm structure and functioning in relation to several type of radiations (both ionizing and non-ionizing). In particular, changes in metabolome expression and photo-physiology will be investigated. The selected candidate will perform mass spectrometry (LC-MS, GC-MS) and molecular diversity (sequencing) measurements on marine biofilms.
A Ph.D. in Microbial Ecology and/or chemical ecology or a related field is preferred. Previous experience with GC-MS and/or LC-MS/MS is mandatory. In addition, the recruitment policy of the Brittany Region makes compulsory that eligible candidates should have spent at least 18 months abroad (i.e. outside France) in the last 3 years.
The work will involve a mixture of field and laboratory work with flexibility to collaborate with BioMar project partners at the University of Nantes (France), Scienteama and Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France)
Application Information Enquiries:
Contact Dr. Cédric Hubas (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle),
Application Process:
Interested applicants should submit (1) a cover letter, (2) a full CV, and (3) contact information for professional references. Please send the applications no later than 30/11/2020