- Membres
- Clara LORD
Clara LORD
I work on goby species belonging to the Sicydiinae subfamily, which have developed particular life traits adapted to the colonisation of tropical island freshwater ecosystems. Indeed, rivers in tropical islands are colonised by species for which the life cycle is adapted to the extreme conditions found is these young environments, poor in nutrients and subject to strong climatic and hydrological variations. These species have developed an amphidromous life cycle: they reproduce in freshwater. Larvae hatch in the river and reach the sea where they undergo a marine phase. This phase is important in terms of the dispersal of the species and the duration of this pelagic larval life varies according to the species. Post-larvae recruit back to rivers where they metamorphose into juveniles, grow and reproduce. Sicydiinae gobies represent most of the insular freshwater biodiversity and have the highest level of endemism.
I use various tools to study Sicydiinae gobies. I work on larval traits by analysing the microstructure and the elemental composition of otoliths. Phylogeography also bring insights into the dispersal capacity of these species shedding light on the population structure of each species. Finally, I work on the diversification of Sicydiinae by using molecular phylogenies.
I am an assistant professor in the UMR Borea and I teach at the University Pierre et Marie Curie. I teach animal biology for first, second and third years. I also work with groups of first and second year students to help them with their orientation and professional integration.
My Papers
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Ahmed Abdou, Magalie Castelin, Céline Ellien, Clara Lord, Marion Mennesson, Clémentine Renneville, Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2023. “Molecular Ecology Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina Natalensis And Comparative Analysis With Other Amphidromous Species (Decapoda, Teleostei, And Gastropoda)”. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-023-05283-7. https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10750-023-05283-7.
Haÿ, Vincent , Marion Mennesson, Clara Lord, and Philippe Keith. 2023. “Why Several When One Can Unite Them All? Integrative Taxonomic Revision Of Indo-Pacific Freshwater Pipefish (Nerophinae)Abstract”. Zoological Journal Of The Linnean Society. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad007. https://academic.oup.com/zoolinnean/advance-article/doi/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad007/7190493.
Mathews, Patrick D, Nicolas Rabet, Luis L Espinoza, Vincent Haÿ, Céline Bonillo, Philippe Keith, Clara Lord, and Fabienne Audebert. 2023. “Discovery Of A Digenean (Cryptogonimidae) Living In A Cleft-Lipped Goby, Sicyopterus Cynocephalus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) From Ranongga Island, Solomon Islands: Analysis Of Multiple Ribosomal Dna Regions”. Pathogens 12 (7): 923. doi:10.3390/pathogens12070923. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/12/7/923.
Haÿ, Vincent , Charpin Nicolas, Philippe Keith, Clara Lord, and Marion Mennesson. 2022. “First Record Of Hippichthys Albomaculosus Jenkins & Mailautoka, 2010 (Syngnathidae) In New Caledonia. Cybium, 46(1): 53-55.”. Cybium 46 (1): 53-55.
Mathews, Patrick D, Céline Bonillo, Nicolas Rabet, Clara Lord, Romain Causse, Philippe Keith, and Fabienne Audebert. 2021. “Phylogenetic Analysis And Characterization Of A New Parasitic Cnidarian (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) Parasitizing Skin Of The Giant Mottled Eel From The Solomon Islands”. Infection, Genetics And Evolution 94: 104986. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2021.104986. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1567134821002835.
Keith, Philippe , David Boseto, and Clara Lord. 2021. Freshwater Fish Of Solomon Islands. Paris: Société Française d’Ichtyologie.
Haÿ, Vincent , Marion Mennesson, Philippe Keith, and Clara Lord. 2021. “A New Species Of Freshwater Pipefish (Teleostei: Syngnathidae: Coelonotus) From Papua New Guinea”. Cybium 45 (4): 275-282. doi:https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/2021-454-003.
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Haÿ, Vincent , Marion Mennesson, Philippe Keith, and Clara Lord. 2021. “A New Species Of Microphis (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) From Papua New Guinea. ”. Cybium 45 (4): 275-282.
Haÿ, Vincent , Marion Mennesson, Agnès Dettai, Céline Bonillo, Philippe Keith, and Clara Lord. 2020. “Needlepoint Non-Destructive Internal Sampling For Precious Fish Specimens”. Cybium 44 (1): 73-79. doi:https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/2020-441-010.
Haÿ et al., 2020.pdf (1.29 MB)
Keith, Philippe , Pita Amick, Toko P., and Clara Lord. 2019. “A New Species Of Sicyopus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) From New Britain (Papua New Guinea)”. Cybium 43 (2): 163-167.
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Lord, Clara , Laure Bellec, Agnès Dettai, Céline Bonillo, and Philippe Keith. 2019. “Does Your Lip Stick? Evolutionary Aspects Of The Mouth Morphology Of The Indo-Pacific Clinging Goby Of The Sicyopterus Genus (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) Based On Mitogenome Phylogeny.”. Journal Of Zoological Systematics And Evolutionary Research. doi:DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12291.
Abdou, Ahmed , Clara Lord, Philippe Keith, and René Galzin. 2019. “Phylogéographie De Neritina Stumpffi Boettger, 1890 Et Neritina Canalis Sowerby, 1825 (Gastropoda, Cycloneritida, Neritidae)”. Zoosystema 41 (12): 237-248.
Abdou et al.2019_Phylogéographie de Neritina stumpffi Boettger, 1890 et et Neritina canalis Sowerby, 1825 .pdf (9.55 MB)
Monti, Dominique , F Lefrançois, Clara Lord, Jean-Michel Mortillaro, Pascal Jean Lopez, and Philippe Keith. 2018. “Selectivity On Epilithic Diatom Consumption For Two Tropical Sympatric Gobies: Sicydium Punctatum (Perugia 1986) And Sicydium Plumieri (Bloch 1786)”. Cybium 42 (4): 365-373.
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Abdou, Ahmed , René Galzin, Clara Lord, Gaël PJ Denys, and Philippe Keith. 2017. “Revision Of The Species Complex'neritina Pulligera'(Gastropoda, Cyclonetimorpha: Neritidae) Using Taxonomy And Barcoding”. Vie Et Milieu / Life & Environment 67 (3-4): 149-161.
Abdou et al.2017_Revision of the species complex ‘Neritina pulligera%u2019.pdf (3.35 MB)
Keith, Philippe , Clara Lord, and Helen K Larson. 2017. “Review Of Schismatogobius (Gobiidae) From Papua New Guinea To Samoa, With Description Of Seven New Species”. Cybium 41 (1): 45-66.
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Keith, Philippe , Clara Lord, H. Darhuddin, G Limmon, T Sukmono, Renny Hadiaty, and Nicolas Hubert. 2017. “Schismatogobius (Gobiidae) From Indonesia, With Description Of Four New Species”. Cybium 41 (2): 195-211.
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Keith, Philippe , Clara Lord, David Boseto, and Brendan C Ebner. 2016. “A New Species Of Lentipes (Teleostei: Gobiidae) From Solomon Islands.”. Cybium 40 (2): 139-146.
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Lord, Clara , Ken Maeda, Philippe Keith, and S Watanabe. 2015. “Population Structure Of The Asian Amphidromous Sicydiinae Goby, Stiphodon Percnopterygionus With Comments On Larval Dispersal In The Northwest Pacific Ocean.”. Life And Environment, 65 (2): 63-71.
Lord et al.- percnopterygionus.pdf (1.83 MB)
Lord, Clara , Ken Maeda, Philippe Keith, and S Watanabe. 2015. “Population Structure Of The Asian Amphidromous Sicydiinae Goby, Stiphodon Percnopterygionus With Comments On Larval Dispersal In The Northwest Pacific Ocean. ”. Life And Environment 65 (2): 63-71.
Lord et al.- percnopterygionus.pdf (1.83 MB)
Keith, Philippe , Clara Lord, Frédéric Busson, S Sauri, Nicolas Hubert, and Renny Hadiaty. 2015. “A New Stiphodon From Indonesia (Teleostei: Gobiidae)”. Cybium 39 (3): 219-225.
Keith-Stiphodon aureofuscus.pdf (2.4 MB)
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