- Membres
- Dominique LAMY
Dominique LAMY
My research activities aim at understanding the role and the functional diversity of the coastal and open-ocean planktonic prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea). These microorganisms are key players in organic matter fluxes within the aquatic trophic networks. I thus use different methods to assess their biomass, their organic matter production and degradation activities, coupled to measurements of their genetic and functional community structure.
I carried out my PhD thesis at the Maison de la Recherche en Environnements Naturels (MREN) in Wimereux (France) on the bacterioplankton dynamics in the eastern English Channel and its relation with recurrent phytoplanktonic blooms. I then joined the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne (LOMIC) in Banyuls-sur-mer (France) to study the spatial and temporal dynamics of a bacterial functional group, the aerobic anoxygenic phototropic bacteria (AAP), in contrasted oligotrophic zones. I then worked at the NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands) and at the University of Vienna (Austria) where my research activities focused on the phylogenetic affiliation of North Atlantic deep-water bacterial communities, and the identification and the quantification of the most rare phylotypes. I also aimed at describing the particle-associated bacterial and archaeal groups and at assessing their potential role in the transformation and fate of these particles.
Keywords : Trophic network; Planktonic prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea); Biomass; organic matter production and degradation; Functional diversity
My teaching activities take place at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) on the campus of Jussieu. They mainly concern the teaching of statistics and the use of the R software (data processing) dedicated to students in Biology from License 2, L3 and Master 1. I am also involved in Marine Ecology teaching for Licence 2 students and in Microbial Ecology teaching for Master 1 and 2 students.
I am responsible for the "Statistics" part of a teaching unit for Licence 3 students from UPMC entitled "Mathematics and Statistics for Biology.
Keywords: Biostatistics; R software; Microbial ecology; Marine ecology
Référente site internet BOREA - équipe SOMAQUA
My Papers
Hubas, Cédric , Julie Gaubert-Boussarie, An-Sofie D’Hondt, Bruno Jesus, Dominique Lamy, Vona Meleder, Antoine Prins, Philippe Rosa, Willem Stock, and Koen Sabbe. 2023. “Identification Of Microbial Exopolymer Producers In Sandy And Muddy Intertidal Sediments By Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis”. Peer Community Journal 3. doi:10.24072/pcjournal.336. https://peercommunityjournal.org/articles/10.24072/pcjournal.336/.
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Fiard, Maud , Philippe Cuny, Léa Sylvi, Cédric Hubas, Ronan Jézéquel, Dominique Lamy, Romain Walcker, et al.. 2022. “Mangrove Microbiota Along The Urban-To-Rural Gradient Of The Cayenne Estuary (French Guiana, South America): Drivers And Potential Bioindicators”. Science Of The Total Environment 807: 150667. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150667. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0048969721057454.
Michelet, Claire , Daniela Zeppilli, Cédric Hubas, Elisa Baldrighi, Philippe Cuny, Guillaume Dirberg, Cécile Militon, et al.. 2021. “First Assessment Of The Benthic Meiofauna Sensitivity To Low Human-Impacted Mangroves In French Guiana”. Forests 12 (3): 338. doi:10.3390/f12030338. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/12/3/338.
David, Frank , Tarik Meziane, Cyril Marchand, Guillaume Rolland, Aurélie Pham, Nguyen Thanh-Nho, and Dominique Lamy. 2021. “Prokaryotic Abundance, Cell Size And Extracellular Enzymatic Activity In A Human Impacted And Mangrove Dominated Tropical Estuary (Can Gio, Vietnam)”. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science: 107253. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107253. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0272771421000895.
Berg, Jasmine S, Didier Jézéquel, Arnaud Duverger, Dominique Lamy, Christel Laberty-Robert, and Jennyfer Miot. 2019. “Microbial Diversity Involved In Iron And Cryptic Sulfur Cycling In The Ferruginous, Low-Sulfate Waters Of Lake Pavin”. Plos One 14: e0212787. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0212787. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212787.
Riera, Elisabeth , Dominique Lamy, Christophe Goulard, P Francour, and Cédric Hubas. 2018. “Biofilm Monitoring As A Tool To Assess The Efficiency Of Artificial Reefs As Substrates: Toward 3D Printed Reefs”. Ecological Engineering 120: 230 - 237. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.06.005. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925857418302167.
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“Dinard Herbarium: History Of A Marine Station1”. 2016. Cryptogamie, Algologie 37: 29-45. doi:10.7872/crya/v37.iss1.2016.29. https://bioone.org/journals/Cryptogamie-Algologie/volume-37/issue-1/v37.iss1.2016.29/Dinard-Herbarium-History-of-a-Marine-Station1/10.7872/crya/v37.iss1.2016.29.short.
Vojvoda, Jana , Dominique Lamy, Eva Sintes, Juan AL Garcia, Valentina Turk, and Gerhard J Herndl. 2014. “Seasonal Variation Of Marine Snow-Associated And Ambient Water Prokaryotic Communities In The Northern Adriatic Sea”. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 73: 211-224.