- Membres
- François DURANTOU
Studies on the attractive and palatable properties of various hydrolysates on fry of a salmonid of aquacultural interest: Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Global warming greatly accelerated by human activities requires measures to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Globalization has enabled entire populations to very significantly raise their standard of living, but the counterpart has been to considerably increase the exploitation of natural resources and the consumption of fossil fuels.
The use of fishmeal and soya as ingredients in animal feed, particularly in aquaculture, is emblematic of this situation.
The production of food in short and sustainable circuits has become an imperative necessity. Recycling organic products not consumed during human activities to feed insect larvae is a promising avenue. Proteins from insect meal will be a local and sustainable contribution to aquaculture pellets. The interest of proteins from insect meal will also be to give coarser vegetable sources attractive and palatable properties.
The purpose of our research is to highlight among several insect meal hydrolysates the one that will be the most effective in facilitating the intake of an eco-responsible food in the breeding of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ).