GENEPI, Séquençage Novaseq du génome de la Seiche : complément au séquençage pilote MinION
GENEPI, Séquençage Novaseq du génome de la Seiche : complément au séquençage pilote MinION
The cuttlefish sepia officinalis (Mollusca, cephalopoda) is a species with an ecological and economical interest. Its conitive abilities and behavioral are now well known. But as for other cephalopods, ecolutionary processes and their genetic control remain to be determined. Few cephalopod genomes are currently available whereas they show specificities in length, repeats and gene family diversity allowing to give additional knowledge on genomic evolution in mollusc and metazoan lineages. Recently, genomes of species belonging to Octopods, Sepiolids and teuthoids (squids) have been published but not yet of the third main group, Sepiids. The cuttlefish genome is one of the largest, estimated to 4-5 Gb. New technologies such as MinION, by obtaining long reads, allow to facilitate assembling of such large genomes. We have already obtained several datasets but because the error rate is high, around 15%, it is necessary to combine with sequences from Illumina. The hybrid assembling of the two datasets, long reads and Illumina, is very complex because of the data quantity. Several methods are applied by the CSB of Aviv department. Annotations will be done in next future with international collaborations.
Period: 2020/2021
Funding: MNHN/Dpt AViv