- Membres
How does the Osedax worm (Annelida) interact with its environment? Integrative biology of a worm feeding on bones.
As I recently joined the AMEX team in 2023, my scientific project focuses on the morphology, systematics, ecology and physiology of the Osedax worm (Annelida, Siboglinidae). These worms, discovered in 2004, feed on vertebrate’s bones, and their biology is still poorly known. This project research will be implemented by leaving bones in deep environments during different oceanographic cruises, in order to trigger the settlement of the worms, and thanks to the expertise of the AMEX team, the worms will be studied with several methods (confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, in-situ hybridization etc.), to better understand how Osedax interacts with its environment.
Furthermore, my expertise is also about the morphology and phylogeny of meiofauna (microscopic animals) mostly gastrotrichs, gnathostomulids and Micrognathozoa, as well as other understudied animal taxa. The opportunity to have access to deep sea environments with the AMEX team will be an amazing opportunity to continue to explore the unknown territories of the metazoan diversity.
J'enseigne principalement en biologie des organismes et biologie animale en TP et TD en L2 (Biologie Animale) et L3 (Biologie Comparée et Evolution des Animaux), ainsi qu'en master Systématique Evolution Paléontologie dans les UEs Structure et histoire paléontologique des grands clades de Métazoaires et Phylogénie des Métazoaires : évolution des plans d’organisation, notamment sur les phylums dits "mineurs", ainsi qu'en Orientation et Insertion Professionnelle dans le master SDUEE.
My Papers
Majdi, Nabil , Thiago Quintao Araujo, Nicolas Bekkouche, Diego Fontaneto, Joseph Garrigue, Laurent Larrieu, Lyudmila Kamburska, et al. 2024. “Freshwater And Limno-Terrestrial Meiofauna Of The Massane Forest Reserve In The Eastern French Pyrenees”. Biogeographia – The Journal Of Integrative Biogeography 39 (1). doi:10.21426/B639162226. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/36v7z1xj.Majdi_et_al_Limnoterrestrial_meiofauna_of_Massane_forest_.pdf (1.5 MB)
Bekkouche, Nicolas , and Ludwik Gąsiorowski. 2022. “Careful Amendment Of Morphological Data Sets Improves Phylogenetic Frameworks: Re-Evaluating Placement Of The Fossil Amiskwia Sagittiformis”. Journal Of Systematic Palaeontology 20 (1): 1 - 14. doi:10.1080/14772019.2022.2109217. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14772019.2022.2109217.
Martín-Durán, José M, Bruno C Vellutini, Ferdinand Marlétaz, Viviana Cetrangolo, Nevena Cvetesic, Daniel Thiel, Simon Henriet, et al.. 2021. “Conservative Route To Genome Compaction In A Miniature Annelidabstract”. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (2): 231 - 242. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-01327-6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-020-01327-6.Martin-Durand_et_al_2021_Conservative_route_to_genome_compaction_in_a_minature_annelid.pdf (23.61 MB)
Worsaae, Katrine , Alexandra Kerbl, Maikon Di Domenico, Brett C Gonzalez, Nicolas Bekkouche, and Alejandro Martínez. 2021. “Interstitial Annelida”. Diversity 13 (2): 77. doi:10.3390/d13020077. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/13/2/77.Worsaae_et_al_2021_annelids_interstitial_families.pdf (24.68 MB)
Gąsiorowski, Ludwik , Nicolas Bekkouche, and Katrine Worsaae. 2017. “Morphology And Evolution Of The Nervous System In Gnathostomulida (Gnathifera, Spiralia)”. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17 (2): 447 - 475. doi:10.1007/s13127-017-0324-8. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s13127-017-0324-8.
Gąsiorowski, Ludwik , Nicolas Bekkouche, Martin V Sørensen, Reinhardt M Kristensen, Wolfgang Sterrer, and Katrine Worsaae. 2017. “New Insights On The Musculature Of Filospermoid Gnathostomulida”. Zoomorphology 136 (4): 413 - 424. doi:10.1007/s00435-017-0367-6. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00435-017-0367-6.
Bekkouche, Nicolas , and Katrine Worsaae. 2016. “Neuromuscular Study Of Early Branching Diuronotus Aspetos (Paucitubulatina) Yields Insights Into The Evolution Of Organs Systems In Gastrotricha”. Zoological Letters 2 (1). doi:10.1186/s40851-016-0054-3. http://zoologicalletters.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40851-016-0054-3.Bekkouche_and_Worsaae_2016_Diuronotus_neuromuscular_description.pdf (11.59 MB)
Bekkouche, Nicolas , and Katrine Worsaae. 2016. “Nervous System And Ciliary Structures Of Micrognathozoa (Gnathifera): Evolutionary Insight From An Early Branch In Spiralia”. Royal Society Open Science 3 (10): 160289. doi:10.1098/rsos.160289. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.160289.
Kerbl, Alexandra , Nicolas Bekkouche, Wolfgang Sterrer, and Katrine Worsaae. 2015. “Detailed Reconstruction Of The Nervous And Muscular System Of Lobatocerebridae With An Evaluation Of Its Annelid Affinityabstractbackgroundresultsconclusions”. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 15 (1). doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0531-x. https://bmcevolbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-015-0531-x.Kerbl_et_al_2015_Morphology_of_Lobatocerebrum.pdf (8.22 MB)
Laumer, Christopher E, Nicolas Bekkouche, Alexandra Kerbl, Freya Goetz, Ricardo C Neves, Martin V Sørensen, Reinhardt M Kristensen, et al.. 2015. “Spiralian Phylogeny Informs The Evolution Of Microscopic Lineages”. Current Biology 25 (15): 2000 - 2006. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.06.068. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0960982215007952.
Simion, Paul , Nicolas Bekkouche, Muriel Jager, Eric Quéinnec, and Michael Manuel. 2015. “Exploring The Potential Of Small Rna Subunit And Its Sequences For Resolving Phylogenetic Relationships Within The Phylum Ctenophora”. Zoology 118 (2): 102 - 114. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2014.06.004. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0944200614000816.
Bekkouche, Nicolas , Reinhardt M Kristensen, Andreas Hejnol, Martin V Sørensen, and Katrine Worsaae. 2014. “Detailed Reconstruction Of The Musculature In Limnognathia Maerski (Micrognathozoa) And Comparison With Other Gnathifera”. Frontiers In Zoology 11 (1). doi:10.1186/s12983-014-0071-z. https://frontiersinzoology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12983-014-0071-z.Bekkouche_et_al_2015_Musculature_of_Micrognathozoa.pdf (8.37 MB)