[Séminaires inter-sites BOREA] Sex Differentiation in Fish: From Sex Reversal in Teleost to Sex Determination in Elasmobranch, par Indranath Ghosal, jeudi 8 décembre 2022

[Séminaires inter-sites BOREA] Sex Differentiation in Fish: From Sex Reversal in Teleost to Sex Determination in Elasmobranch, par Indranath Ghosal, jeudi 8 décembre 2022

Animation scientifique BOREA multi sites, les jeudis à partir de 16h (heure métropole), 11h (heure Antilles) en visioconférence

Séminaire scientifique 2022/2023 : JEUDI 8 DÉCEMBRE  2022

Orateur : Indranath Ghosal, postdoctorant au sein de l'équipe EMERGE de BOREA, Université de Caen Normandie, Caen

Titre : « Sex Differentiation in Fish: From Sex Reversal in Teleost to Sex Determination in Elasmobranch » → PDF

«  During my doctoral work in Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, India, I had applied phytochemicals to achieve sex reversal in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) a globally popular teleost fish. Male tilapias are preferred sex for aquaculture than female as they grow bigger. So, aquafarmers applied synthetic steroid hormones like 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) to achieve all male tilapia population. But this MT has several detrimental effects on fish health, consumer and environment. It causes paradoxical feminization to the non-target aquatic organisms. So, I substitute the application of MT with some Indian medicinal plants reported to have aphrodisiac potential. I have found these plant materials are effective to create maleness (~90%) in mixed-sex tilapia (Ghosal et al. 2015; JAPS, Ghosal et al. 2021; Aquaculture Research).

Now I have joined BOREA, University of Caen as a postdoctoral researcher in Winning Normandy postdoctoral fellowship entitled "Gonadal development and Effect of temperature on Sex determination in the Small-spotted catshark". Sex determination is poorly explored in Chondrichthyes. Sex determination in this group is mostly restricted to cytogenetic approaches. However, no investigation was performed regarding the expression pattern of those sex-linked alleles neither to determine their cellular localisation in gonads, nor to characterize their kinetic of expression in the embryo to assess their possible involvement in sex determination. In addition to genetic sex determination, various environmental parameters like temperature can also affect the sex. Environmental sex determinism has never been investigated in Chondrichthyes, which does not allow us to anticipate which consequences the global climate change will have on these animals. Considering this, the proposed project aims to understand the gonad ontogeny, sex determination and differentiation in the small-spotted catshark ».

Rendez-vous visio mensuels d’une durée totale d’environ 1h30, avec un temps de présentation de 20 à 30 mn, suivi d’un temps d’échange avec les participants.e.s. - Organisés par le chargé de mission 'Animation scientifique'  Antilles (Etienne Bezault)  et la Chargée de Communication BOREA (Isabelle Mouas).

Précédemment : Jeudi 24 novembre 2022 :  Jésus Nunez, chercheur IRD au sein de l'équipe PHYPAQ de BOREA « Stratégies d'analyse des données de télémétrie ultrasonique pour l'étude du comportement chez les poissons »  → PDF

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Portrait de Indranath GHOSAL
Indranath GHOSAL
UCN Caen
Contractuel de la recherche
Université Caen Normandie
Publié le 27 nov 2022
Mis à jour le 25 déc 2022