Comparative effects of trace metal elements released from dissolution of aluminum-based galvanic anodes, aluminum chloride, zinc chloride, and their mixture on the development of the Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas

TitreComparative effects of trace metal elements released from dissolution of aluminum-based galvanic anodes, aluminum chloride, zinc chloride, and their mixture on the development of the Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuteursLevallois, A, Costil, K, Caplat, C, Basuyaux, O, Lebel, J-M, Guegan, C, Serpentini, A
JournalEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research
Date PublishedJul-08-2025
Short TitleEnviron Sci Pollut Res
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publication coopération et recherche SUD