European eel distribution and body condition in a river floodplain: effect of longitudinal and lateral connectivity

TitreEuropean eel distribution and body condition in a river floodplain: effect of longitudinal and lateral connectivity
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuteursLasne, E, Acou, A, Vila-Gispert, A, Laffaille, P
JournalEcology of Freshwater Fish

We studied eel population characteristics (size classes, densities and body condition) in the lower Loire River floodplain (France) to evaluate the effects of longitudinal and lateral gradients. A total of 36 sites were electrofished in June 2005. The sites were grouped first into three river segments according to the distance inland corresponding to a longitudinal gradient and secondly into three lateral connectivity categories. Results indicate that small eels, especially those
