Optimising extraction of extrapolymeric substances (EPS) from benthic diatoms : comparison of the efficiency of six EPS extraction methods

TitreOptimising extraction of extrapolymeric substances (EPS) from benthic diatoms : comparison of the efficiency of six EPS extraction methods
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuteursTakahashi, E, Ledauphin, J, Goux, D, Orvain, F
JournalMarine and Freshwater Research

There is no universal method that can be applied to extract bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from benthic diatoms of intertidal sediments without causing cell lysis. Six extraction methods were tested on a diatom culture of Navicula jeffreyi to establish the best compromise between high yields of carbohydrate extraction and minimum cell lysis. Extraction with distilled water provoked cell lysis (as already known). The five other extraction methods (dowex resin, artificial seawater of half salinity and extractions after pretreatment with gluteraldehyde by three methods: water, dowex water and dowex buffer) did not provoke cell lysis as shown by transmission electronic microscopy. This result was confirmed by the minimum release of internal compounds (protein, ATP) and by the low proportions of glucose in dowex-extracted EPS compared with the water extracted EPS, from which the high glucose content must be inferred to the contamination by chrysolaminaran. The extraction with dowex resin resulted in the second-highest concentration of carbohydrate after the water extraction and the EPS were especially rich in deoxy sugars, hence increasing the hydrophobic feature of these substances. For these reasons, we recommend extraction with dowex, which is also the best method for extracting bound EPS from other biofilms such as in activated sludges.