Uses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive

TitreUses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuteursLynam, CP, Uusitalo, L, Patrício, J, Piroddi, C, Queirós, AM, Teixeira, H, Rossberg, AG, Sagarminaga, Y, Hyder, K, Niquil, N, Möllmann, C, Wilson, C, Chust, G, Galpasoro, I, Forster, R, Verissimo, H, Tedesco, L, Revilla, M, Neville, S
JournalBridging the Gap Between Policy and Science in Assessing the Health Status of Marine Ecosystems
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publication coopération et recherche SUD