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Magliozzi, Chiara , Jean-Noel Druon, Andreas Palialexis, Laura Aguzzi, Brittany Alexande, Konstantinos Antoniadis, Luis Felipe Artigas, et al. 2021. « Pelagic Habitats Under The Msfd D1: Scientific Advice Of Policy Relevance : Recommendations To Frame Problems And Solutions For The Pelagic Habitats’ Assessment. ». Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2760/081368. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/081368.
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Magliozzi, Chiara , Jean-Noel Druon, Andreas Palialexis, Laura Aguzzi, Brittany Alexande, Konstantinos Antoniadis, Luis Felipe Artigas, et al. 2021. « Pelagic Habitats Under The Msfd D1: Scientific Advice Of Policy Relevance : Recommendations To Frame Problems And Solutions For The Pelagic Habitats’ Assessment. ». Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2760/081368. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/081368.
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