Ideas and perspectives: Southwestern tropical Atlantic coral growth response to atmospheric circulation changes induced by ozone depletion in Antarctica

TitreIdeas and perspectives: Southwestern tropical Atlantic coral growth response to atmospheric circulation changes induced by ozone depletion in Antarctica
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuteursEvangelista, H, Wainer, I, Sifeddine, A, Corrège, T, Cordeiro, RC, Lamounier, S, Godiva, D, Shen, C-C, Le Cornec, F, Turcq, B, Lazareth, CE, Hu, C-Y
Pagination2379 - 2386
Date PublishedJan-01-2016
Other NumbersLien HAL: hal-01341958v1

Recent Southern Hemisphere (SH) atmospheric
circulation, predominantly driven by stratospheric ozone de-
pletion over Antarctica, has caused changes in climate across
the extratropics. Here, we present evidence that the Brazilian
coast (southwestern Atlantic) may have been impacted from
both wind and sea-surface temperature changes derived from
this process. Skeleton analysis of massive coral species liv-
ing in shallow waters off Brazil are very sensitive to air–sea
interactions, and seem to record this impact. Growth rates
of Brazilian corals show a trend reversal that fits the ozone
depletion evolution, confirming that ozone impacts are far
reaching and potentially affect coastal ecosystems in tropical

Short TitleBiogeosciences
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
Publication coopération et recherche SUD