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Leroy, Boris , Andrew M Kramer, Anne‐Charlotte Vaissière, Melina Kourantidou, Franck Courchamp, et Christophe Diagne. 2022. « Analysing Economic Costs Of Invasive Alien Species With The Invacost R Package ». Methods In Ecology And Evolution 13 (9): 1930 - 1937. doi:10.1111/mee3.v13.910.1111/2041-210X.13929. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13929.
Icône PDF Methods Ecol Evol - 2022 - Leroy - Analysing economic costs of invasive alien species with the invacost r package.pdf (872.22 Ko)
Doré, Maël , Keith Willmott, Boris Leroy, Nicolas Chazot, James Mallet, André VL Freitas, Jason PW Hall, et al.. 2021. « Anthropogenic Pressures Coincide With Neotropical Biodiversity Hotspots In A Flagship Butterfly Group ». Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13455. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddi.13455.
Icône PDF ddi.13455.pdf (5.13 Mo)
Hervé, Vincent , Boris Leroy, Albert Da Silva Pires, et Pascal Jean Lopez. 2018. « Aquatic Urban Ecology At The Scale Of A Capital: Community Structure And Interactions In Street Gutters. ». Isme J. 12 (1): 253–266. doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.166. https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2017166.
Icône PDF ismej2017166.pdf (2.99 Mo)