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Filtres: Mot-clé is Zinc and Auteur is Christelle Caplat  [Clear All Filters]
Caplat, Christelle , Olivier Basuyaux, S Pineau, Jonathan Deborde, AM Grolleau, S. Leglatin, et Marie-Laure Mahaut. 2020. « Transfer Of Elements Released By Aluminum Galvanic Anodes In A Marine Sedimentary Compartment After Long-Term Monitoring In Harbor And Laboratory Environments ». Chemosphere 239: 124720. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124720. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653519319502.
Deborde, J , P Refait, Paco Bustamante, Christelle Caplat, O Basuyaux, AM Grolleau, et M-L Mahaut. 2015. « Impact Of Galvanic Anode Dissolution Onmetal Trace Element Concentrations In Marine Waters ». Water, Air & Soil Pollution 226: 226-423.