Influence of poly-L-lysine on the biomimetic growth of silica tubes in confined media

TitreInfluence of poly-L-lysine on the biomimetic growth of silica tubes in confined media
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuteursGautier, C, Lopez, PJ, Livage, J, Coradin, T
JournalJournal of Colloid and Interface Science

Pore channels of polycarbonate membranes were recently used as biomimetic models to study the effect of confinement on silicate condensation, leading to the formation of silica tubes exhibiting a core-shell structure. In this work, we preimmobilized poly-L-lysine on the membrane pores, leading to modification of the tube shell formation process and variation in core particle size. These data strengthen previous assumptions on the role of confinement on silica growth, i.e., interfacial interactions and perturbation of the diffusion coefficient. They also suggest that this approach is suitable to investigate in more detail the contribution of confinement effects on silica biomineralization. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
