Titre | New electroantennography method on a marine shrimp in water |
Type de publication | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Auteurs | Machon, J, Ravaux, J, Zbinden, M, Lucas, P |
Journal | Journal of Experimental Biology |
Volume | 219 |
Pagination | 3696–3700 |
ISSN | 0022-0949 |
Résumé | Antennular chemoreception in aquatic decapods is well studied via the recording of single chemoreceptor neuron activity in the antennule, but global responses of the antennule (or antennae in insects) by electroantennography (EAG) has so far been mainly restricted to aerial conditions. We present here a well-established underwater EAG method to record the global antennule activity in the marine shrimp Palaemon elegans in natural (aqueous) conditions. EAG responses to food extracts, recorded as net positive deviations of the baseline, are reproducible, dose-dependent and exhibit sensory adaptation. This new EAG method opens a large field of possibilities for studying in vivo antennular chemoreception in aquatic decapods, in a global approach to supplement current, more specific techniques. |
URL | https://jeb.biologists.org/content/219/23/3696 |
DOI | 10.1242/jeb.140947 |
New electroantennography method on a marine shrimp in water
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