COAST Bordeaux 2017 : From the 7th to the 10th of November 2017, Bordeaux (France)

07 nov 2017 - 10 nov 2017

COAST Bordeaux 2017 : A scientific and technical event bringing together an international Symposium of nearly 300 people and a Forum centered on exchanges between scientists, managers and professionals in the maritime sector and coastal management. Organized on the initiative of CNRS, Ifremer, MNHN, Bordeaux University, SFJO and  Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

This international event coincides with the 17th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium.

International Conference topic:
Systemic and biodiversity evolution of marine coastal ecosystems under the pressure of climate change, natural and anthropogenic local factors

Forum topic:
From vulnerability to adaptation to climate change, natural hazards and anthropogenic pressures

 Oral communication: Eric Feunteun, MNHN Professor (UMR BOREA), will speak about :

40 years of decline and 10 years of management, are European eels recovering? The broken thermometer paradox