Conference / Dimensions of biodiversity: Scientific research to further the goals of IPBES: April 2019, 25th and 26th at Paris

25 avr 2019 - 26 avr 2019

As an appetizer to the IPBES-7 negotiations, CNRS is organizing a 2-day conference to discuss key scientific issues related to biodiversity.

15 years after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) is about to release its Global Assessment. Since its launch, the Platform has clarified the challenges associated with biodiversity and showcased the relevance of scientific knowledge for policy consideration. It has also accompanied major conceptual shifts.

This Conference organized by CNRS aims to take stock of such advances through concrete examples of topics cutting across disciplines, providing innovative insights and discussing controversies, epistemologies, theories and scenarios, to work toward new synthesis that can be relevant for IPBES.

Please find all the information about the program and the registration on the conference website:

Nathalie Niquil, Research Director CNRS/BOREA will communicate on Friday, April 26th, at 10:15, on the session:  Blue forests and green oceans -- comparing the emerging properties across biomes

and will speak about: How to tackle cumulative impacts on emerging properties of marine ecosystems: climate change vs marine energy in the Bay of Seine

Abstract:  Direct anthropogenic and climate-related pressures are inducing considerable changes in marine ecosystems and a central question is how the accumulation of these pressures will affect the functioning of ecosystems. Ecological network analysis (ENA) indices are often used to quantify the emergent properties of food webs, to evaluate these impacts. Together with the collaborators of the ANR project TROPHIK, we are developing methods in order to use these indices to build scenarios of ecosystem functioning changes. We are applying these methods to study the cumulative impacts of climate change and of the effect of the future offshore wind farm that will be built in the Bay of Seine. The impacts of climate change on fish and cephalopod are first evaluated with a new methodological framework combining the hierarchical filters approach (global scale Bioclimatic Envelop Model and local scale Habitat Model) and consideration of depth. This allows to consider IPCC scenarios and projections of the species distributions in 2100. This effect is then combined with food-web models based on two methods, the Linear Inverse Modelling for a non-spatial model, but with the possibility to quantify ENA indices with confidence intervals, the Ecospace approach for a spatial projection of the effects. Such a framework can then be used to develop different scenarios of direct pressures, e.g. the reef and reserve effects associated with marine energy projects or fisheries’ changes.