Postdoc | Development of marine ecosystem services indicators for the English Channel linked to the development of marine renewable energy

20 aoû 2019
Eoliennes en mer, leur effet sur l’écosystème est étudié par Ecofunc - Bhart9070_Pixabay

Post doc offer at Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences LOG (France)


Title: Development of marine ecosystem services indicators for the English Channel linked to the development of marine renewable energy

Deadline for application: September, 20th  2019

Expected start date: January 2020

Duration: 12 months

Geographical location: Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences (, Wimereux, France. Strong interactions with the Museum of Natural History in Paris.

Contact person: Frida Lasram (associate professor, University of Littoral Opal Coast, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences)

Collaborators: Maud Mouchet (associate professor, Museum of Natural History Paris, UMR  CESCO) and Nathalie Niquil (Research director CNRS, UMR BOREA)

Financing: University of Littoral Opal Coast (ULCO)

Post doc offer description