Waders in winter: long-term changes of migratory bird assemblages facing climate change

TitreWaders in winter: long-term changes of migratory bird assemblages facing climate change
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuteursGodet, L, Jaffre, M, Devictor, V
JournalBiology Letters

Effects of climate change on species occupying distinct areas during their life cycle are still unclear. Moreover, although effects of climate change have widely been studied at the species level, less is known about community responses. Here, we test whether and how the composition of wader (Charadrii) assemblages, breeding in high latitude and wintering from Europe to Africa, is affected by climate change over 33 years. We calculated the temporal trend in the community temperature index (CTI), which measures the balance between cold and hot dwellers present in species assemblages. We found a steep increase in the CTI, which reflects a profound change in assemblage composition in response to recent climate change. This study provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence of a strong community response of migratory species to climate change in their wintering areas.
