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Simunic, J , D Petrov, T Bouceba, Nedia Kamech, M Benincasa, et D Juretic. 2014. « Trichoplaxin - A New Membrane-Active Antimicrobial Peptide From Placozoan Cdna. ». Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1838 (5): 1430-1438.
Watanabe, S , Midori Iida, Clara Lord, Philippe Keith, et Katsumi Tsukamoto. 2014. « Tropical And Temperate Freshwater Amphidromy: A Comparison Between Life History Characteristics Of Sicydiinae, Ayu, Sculpins And Galaxiids. ». Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 24: 1:14. doi:DOI 10.1007/s11160-013-9316-8.
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Gallon, Régis , Marine Robuchon, Boris Leroy, L Le Gall, Myriam Valero, et Eric Feunteun. 2014. « Twenty Years Of Observed And Predicted Changes In Subtidal Red Seaweed Assemblages Along A Biogeographical Transition Zone: Inferring Potential Causes From Environmental Data ». Journal Of Biogeography 41: 2293–2306. doi:10.1111/jbi.12380. http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/jbi.12380.
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Martel, André L, Réjean Tremblay, Nicolas Toupoint, Frédéric Olivier, et B Myrand. 2014. « Veliger Size At Metamorphosis And Temporal Variability In Prodissoconch Ii Morphometry In The Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis): Potential Impact On Recruitment ». Journal Of Shellfish Research 33 (2): 443-455. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2983/035.033.0213. http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.2983/035.033.0213.
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Bellard, Céline , Camille Leclerc, Boris Leroy, Michel Bakkenes, Samuel Veloz, Wilfried Thuiller, et Franck Courchamp. 2014. « Vulnerability Of Biodiversity Hotspots To Global Change ». Global Ecology And Biogeography 23 (12): 1376 - 1386. doi:10.1111/geb.2014.23.issue-1210.1111/geb.12228. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14668238/23/12.
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Amélineau, Françoise , Clara Péron, Amélie Lescroël, Matthieu Authier, Pascal Provost, et David Grémillet. 2014. « Windscape And Tortuosity Shape The Flight Costs Of Northern Gannets ». Journal Of Experimental Biology 217: 876–885. doi:10.1242/jeb.097915 . https://jeb.biologists.org/content/217/6/876.short.
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Morris, J P, S Thatje, Juliette Ravaux, Bruce Shillito, D Fernando, et C Hauton. 2015. « Acute Combined Pressure And Temperature Exposures On A Shallow-Water Crustacean: Novel Insights Into The Stress Response And High Pressure Neurological Syndrome. ». Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 181: 9-17. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.10.028.
Sussarellu, Rossana , Arnaud Huvet, Sylvie Lapègue, Virgile Quillien, Christophe Lelong, Florence Cornette, Lasse Fast Jensen, Nicolas Bierne, et Pierre Boudry. 2015. « Additive Transcriptomic Variation Associated With Reproductive Traits Suggest Local Adaptation In A Recently Settled Population Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas. ». Bmc Genomics 16 (1): 808. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1972-8.
Grémillet, David , Clara Péron, Pascal Provost, et Amélie Lescroël. 2015. « Adult And Juvenile European Seabirds At Risk From Marine Plundering Off West Africa ». Biological Conservation 182: 143–147.
Artero, C. , D.J. Murie, C.C. Koenig, R. Berzins, C. Bouchon, et L. Lampert. 2015. « Age, Growth, And Mortality Of The Atlantic Goliath Grouper Epinephelus Itajara In French Guiana.  ». Endangered Species Research 28: 275-287.
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Mennesson, Marion , Hélène Tabouret, Christophe Pecheyran, et Philippe Keith. 2015. « Amphidromous Life Cycle Of Eleotris Fusca (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Eleotridae) A Widespread Species From The Indo-Pacific Studied By Otolith Analyses. ». Cybium 39 (4): 249-260.
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Claquin, Pascal , Fanny Leroy, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, Eric Feunteun, Aurélie Foveau, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2015. « Artificial Reef: Multiscale Monitoring Of Colonization And Primary Production - Récif Artificiel: Mise En Place D’un Suivi De La Colonisation A Plusieurs Échelles ». Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems . ESITC Caen.
Dromard, Charlotte R, xavier Bodiguel, Soazig Lemoine, Yolande Bouchon-Navaro, Lionel Reynal, Emmanuel Thouard, et Claude Bouchon. 2015. « Assessment Of The Contamination Of Marine Fauna By Chlordecone In Guadeloupe And Martinique (Lesser Antilles) ». Environmental Science And Pollution Research.
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Marjolaine, Matabos , Cuvelier Daphné, Brouard Johan, Bruce Shillito, Juliette Ravaux, Magali Zbinden, Barthelemy Dominique, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, et Jozee Sarrazin. 2015. « Behavioural Study Of Two Hydrothermal Crustacean Decapods: Mirocaris Fortunata And Segonzacia Mesatlantica, From The Lucky Strike Vent Field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) ». Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies In Oceanography 121: 146 - 158. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.008. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967064515001113.
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Miller, M.J. , Eric Feunteun, J. Aoyama, S. Watanabe, M. Kuroki, R. Lecomte-Finiger, Y. Minegishi, et al. 2015. « Biodiversity And Distribution Of Leptocephali West Of The Mascarene Plateau In The Southwestern Indian Ocean ». Progress In Oceanography 137: 84-102. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.05.026. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079661115001317.
De Smet, Bart , An Sophie D'Hondt, Verhelst Pieterjan, Jérôme Fournier, Laurent Godet, Nicolas Desroy, Marijn Rabaut, Vincx Magda, et Vanaverbeke Jan. 2015. « Biogenic Reefs Affect Multiple Components Of Intertidal Soft-Bottom Benthic Assemblages: The Lanice Conchilega Case Study ». Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 152: 44-55. doi:doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.002.
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Durand, Lucile , Marie Roumagnac, Valérie Cueff-Gauchard, Cyrielle Jan, Mathieu Guri, Claire Tessier, Marine Haond, et al.. 2015. « Biogeographical Distribution Of Rimicaris Exoculata Resident Gut Epibiont Communities Along The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Sites. ». Fems Microbiol Ecol 91 (10). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiv101.
Godet, Laurent , Matthieu Marquet, Marie-Christine Eybert, Elisa Grégoire, Sarah Monnet, et Jérôme Fournier. 2015. « Bluethroats Luscinia Svecica Namnetum Offset Landscape Constraints By Expanding Their Home Range ». Journal Of Ornithology 156: 591-600.
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Gaubert, Philippe , Flobert Njiokou, Ayodeji Olayemi, Paolo Pagani, Sylvain Dufour, Emmanuel Danquah, Mac Elikem K Nutsuakor, et al. 2015. « Bushmeat Genetics: Setting Up A Reference Framework For The Dna Typing Of African Forest Bushmeat. ». Mol Ecol Resour 15: 633-651. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12334.
Duprey, N. , Claire E Lazareth, C. Dupouy, J. Butscher, R. Farman, C. Maes, et G. Cabioch. 2015. « Calibration Of Seawater Temperature And Δ18Oseawater Signals In Tridacna Maxima’s Δ18Oshell Record Based On In Situ Data ». Coral Reefs 34 (2): 437 - 450. doi:10.1007/s00338-014-1245-z. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00338-014-1245-z.
Morris, J. P, S. Thatje, Juliette Ravaux, Bruce Shillito, et C. Hauton. 2015. « Characterising Multi-Level Effects Of Acute Pressure Exposure On A Shallow-Water Invertebrate: Insights Into The Kinetics And Hierarchy Of The Stress Response ». Journal Of Experimental Biology 218 (16): 2594 - 2602. doi:10.1242/jeb.125914. http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/doi/10.1242/jeb.125914.
Orvain, Francis , Anne-Sophie Martinez, E Desoche, et Pascal Claquin. 2015. « Chemical Interaction Between Epilitic Microphytobenthic Biofilm And Larval Development Of The Sea Urchin Paracentrotus Lividus ». Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems. ESITC Caen.
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Foveau, Aurélie , Jean-Claude Dauvin, Anne-Marie Rusig, Isabelle Mussio, et Pascal Claquin. 2015. « Colonisation À Court Terme Par Le Benthos Sur Un Éco-Récif Artificiel ». Proceedings Of The Congress On Artificial Reefs : From Materials To Ecosystems. ESITC Caen.
Szafranski, Kamil M, Philippe Deschamps, Marina R Cunha, Sylvie M Gaudron, et Sébastien Duperron. 2015. « Colonization Of Plant Substrates At Hydrothermal Vents And Cold Seeps In The Northeast Atlantic And Mediterranean And Occurrence Of Symbiont-Related Bacteria. ». Front Microbiol 6: 162. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00162.
Avadí, Angel , Nathan Pelletier, Joël Aubin, Stéphane Ralite, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, et Pierre Fréon. 2015. « Comparative Environmental Performance Of Artisanal And Commercial Feed Use In Peruvian Freshwater Aquaculture ». Aquaculture 435: 52-66. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.08.001. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0044848614003925.
Hutama, A. , H. Darhuddin, Frédéric Busson, S Sauri, R Hanner, Philippe Keith, Renny Hadiaty, et N Hubert. 2015. « Comparative Phylogeography Of Javanese And Balinese Freshwater Fishes: Dna Barcodes Shed Light On Quaternary Range Expansion Dynamic In A Biodiversity Hotspot. ». Genome 58: 230.
Gaudron, Sylvie M, Karine Grangeré, et Sébastien Lefebvre. 2015. « The Comparison Of Δ13C Values Of A Deposit- And A Suspension-Feeder Bio-Indicates Benthic Vs. Pelagic Couplings And Trophic Status In Contrasted Coastal Ecosystems ». Estuaries And Coasts. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-0020-x.
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Deborde, Jonhatan , Cyril Marchand, Nathalie Molnar, Luc Della-Patrona, et Tarik Meziane. 2015. « Concentrations And Fractionation Of Carbon, Iron, Sulfur, Nitrogen And Phosphorus In Mangrove Sediments Along An Intertidal Gradient (Semi-Arid Climate, New Caledonia) ». J. Mar. Sci. Eng. (3): 52-57.
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Mestre, Nélia C, Delphine Cottin, Raul Bettencourt, Ana Colaço, Sérgio PC Correia, Bruce Shillito, Sven Thatje, et Juliette Ravaux. 2015. « Is The Deep-Sea Crab Chaceon Affinis Able To Induce A Thermal Stress Response? ». Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 181: 54-61. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.11.015.
Maugars, Gersende , et Sylvie Dufour. 2015. « Demonstration Of The Coexistence Of Duplicated Lh Receptors In Teleosts, And Their Origin In Ancestral Actinopterygians. ». Plos One 10 (8): e0135184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135184.
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Gaillard, B , Tarik Meziane, Réjean Tremblay, P Archambault, KKS Layton, AL Martel, et Frédéric Olivier. 2015. « Dietary Tracers In Bathyarca Glacialis From Contrasting Trophic Regions In The Canadian Arctic ». Marine Ecology Progress Series 536: 175-186.
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Chambault, Philippine , David Pinaud, Vincent Vantrepotte, Laurent Kelle, Mathieu Entraygues, Christophe Guinet, Rachel Berzins, et al. 2015. « Dispersal And Diving Adjustments Of Green Turtles In Response To Dynamic Environmental Conditions During Post-Nesting Migration ». Plos One 10 (9): e0137340. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137340. https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0137340.
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Martin, J. , Q. Rougemont, H. Drouineau, S. Launey, P. Jatteau, G. Bareille, S. Berail, et al. 2015. « Dispersal Capacities Of Anadromous Allis Shad Population Inferred From A Coupled Genetic And Otolith Approach ». Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 72: 991-1003. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0510. https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfas-2014-0510?journalCode=cjfas.
Cascella, Kévin , Didier Jollivet, Claire Papot, Nelly Léger, Erwan Corre, Juliette Ravaux, Melody S Clark, et Jean-Yves Toullec. 2015. « Diversification, Evolution And Sub-Functionalization Of 70Kda Heat-Shock Proteins In Two Sister Species Of Antarctic Krill: Differences In Thermal Habitats, Responses And Implications Under Climate Change. ». Plos One 10 (4): e0121642. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121642.
Dromard, Charlotte R, Yolande Bouchon-Navaro, Mireille Harmelin-Vivien, et Claude Bouchon. 2015. « Diversity Of Trophic Niches Among Herbivorous Fishes On A Caribbean Reef (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles), Evidenced By Stable Isotope And Gut Content Analyses ». Journal Of Sea Reasearch 95: 124-131.
Hubert, Nicolas , , A Wibowo, Frédéric Busson, D. Caruso, S. Sulandari, N Nafiqoh, et al.. 2015. « Dna Barcoding Indonesian Freshwater Fishes: Challenges And Prospects. ». Dna Barcode 3: 144-169.
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Darhuddin, H. , A. Hutama, Frédéric Busson, S Sauri, Philippe Keith, R Hanner, Renny Hadiaty, et Nicolas Hubert. 2015. « Dna Barcoding Of Javanese And Balinese Freshwater Fishes: Molecular Insights Into A Poorly Known Ichthyofauna. ». Genome 58: 209.
Tabouret, Hélène , Dominique Monti, J Martin, S Berail, C Pécheyran, Philippe Keith, et Gilles Bareille. 2015. « Do Sicydium Punctatum Adults Move In The Caribbean Estuaries? New Insight From Strontium Isotopes. ». Life And Environment 65 (2): 85-89.
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Ladhar-Chaabouni, R , Monia Machreki-Ajmi, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, et A Hamza-Chaffai. 2015. « Does A Short-Term Exposure To Cadmium Chloride Affects Haemocyte Parameters Of The Marine Gastropod Haliotis Tuberculata? ». Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. doi:10.1007/s11356-014-3387-5.