Temperature resistance studies on the deep-sea vent shrimp Mirocaris fortunata.

TitreTemperature resistance studies on the deep-sea vent shrimp Mirocaris fortunata.
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuteursShillito, B, Le Bris, N, Hourdez, S, Ravaux, J, Cottin, D, Caprais, J-C, Jollivet, D, Gaill, F
JournalJ Exp Biol
TicketPt 5
Date Published2006 Mar
Mots-clésAdaptation, Physiological, Animals, Atlantic Ocean, Behavior, Animal, Decapoda (Crustacea), Ecosystem, Hot Temperature, Oxygen Consumption, Pressure, Time Factors

The shrimp Mirocaris fortunata is a hydrothermal vent species that is found at most vent-sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This endemic species is found across a hydrothermal gradient, with thermal conditions ranging from 2-9 degrees C in ambient seawater to fairly warm values of about 25 degrees C. We performed in vivo experiments on M. fortunata specimens originating from different sites and depths (850 m to 2300 m), both at atmospheric pressure and in pressurized aquaria, to characterise the upper thermal limits of this species. Atmospheric pressure results show that thermal physiology should be studied at each population's native pressure. At in situ pressure, shrimps from Menez Gwen (850 m depth) and Lucky Strike (1700 m depth) do not survive temperatures of 39 degrees C, and the 'loss of equilibrium' response suggests that their critical thermal maximum (Ctmax), is about 36+/-1 degrees C for both sites. This value is similar to those found for another vent shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata, which is thought to be a more temperature-resistant organism, so temperature resistance does not appear to be a crucial factor for explaining differences in distribution of shrimp species in a given vent site. Finally, the data for both vent shrimps are also comparable to those of other non-vent tropical caridean species.

Alternate JournalJ. Exp. Biol.
Identifiant (ID) PubMed16481583