Nacre/bone interface changes in durable nacre endosseous implants in sheep

TitleNacre/bone interface changes in durable nacre endosseous implants in sheep
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsBerland, S, Delattre, O, Borzeix, S, Catonne, Y, Lopez, E

Raw nacre implants persist even after 9 months of implantation into bone tissue in sheep. However the nacre surface undergoes a limited biodegradation process. Smooth-surfaced nacre implants were seen to become microporous after implantation. The results of these long-term. in vivo studies show that the overall process involves bone-resorbing cells, relies on a two-phase mechanism and may correspond to a regulation process. The rate of surface change depends on the bone implantation site and the nacre/bone interaction. The in vivo biodegradability of nacre is a highly variable parameter. The size and shape of the implanted nacre and the cellular environment of the implant are key factors in determining the biodegradation kinetics of the nacre in a living system. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
