ECOFUNC - Functional ecology of coastal trophic and social-ecological networks

General topics

The team EcoFunc’s objectives are to establish a link between individuals’ functions (growth, reproduction, bleaching, toxicity, metabolism, diet, migration, etc), ecosystem’s functioning (functional diversity, food webs, resilience) and social-ecological network’s functioning (nature’s contribution to peoples, cultural benefit, risk, perception by actors of the seashore). The originality of the team is to be based on a multi-scale approach (traits, diversity, trophic functioning, social-ecological functioning), a strong numerical basis (data analysis and modelling) and a strong interdisciplinarity (collaborations with human and math/computer sciences). Understanding the effects of the ecosystem functioning on the reaction to climate change and global change more generally, will allow a better understanding of resilience’s factors, the definition of functional ecosystem health indicators and a social-ecological approach to scenarios of possible evolution.

Research axis

Axe 1/ Traits and functional diversity : from experiments to chronological series from the field

Determinism of microphytoplankton and in particular toxic diatoms (species and functional diversity)

Biological and physiological traits of toxic algaes and tropical corals, under environmental influences. Sensitivity of temperatures anomalies.

Interactions between trophic diatoms and zooplankton, chemical communication

 Axe 2/ Trophic ecology and trophic network functioning

Isotopic tracers and stomach contents, role of cephalopods in food webs, validation of trophic models by consumers’ trophic levels determined through isotopes

Functional diversity of coral reed associated communities and associated resilience.

Cumulative impacts, effects on the food-web functioning, and ecosystem health associated (marine energy, climate change, fisheries)

Axe 3/ From functional ecology to the characterization of the perception by humans of risks and benefits associated to the functioning of social-ecological networks.

Risks associates to coral bleaching and toxic algae blooms

Ecosystem services associated to Cephalopods

Ecosystem perception and interactions with networks of actors, in the case of the development of wind farms

Latest scientific articles




ARMS : Mini-HLM dans l’île d’Europa, deux ans après la pose (10 m de profondeur) - H. Bruggemann
Mesures de calmars Loliginidés à la criée de Port-en-Bessin - J.-P. Robin
Eoliennes en mer. Bhart9070_Pixabay
La diatomée Pseudo-nitzschia, responsable d'efflorescences toxiques - Aurore Sauvey