2013 to 2014
Program type

PEGASEAS : Promouvoir une gouvernance efficace dans les mers de la Manche


PEGASEAS project aims to identify and capitalize on key lessons for sustainable governance of the marine ecosystem of the Channel area. The project is based on a cluster of projects: CAMIS, ChanneLIS, CHARM3, CRESH, Licco, MERiFIC, OFELIA, PANACHE, SETARMS, Marinexus and VALMER. The project aims to identify the key elements that have demonstrated better governance, synthesizing these elements consistent advice for practitioners and policy makers to share experiences, communicate to different audiences and provide input to the discussions on the strategy of the Interreg program V. 

Project leader: Aulert Christophe (Responsable of the Antenne Manche Mer du Nord de l’Agence des aires marines protégées)

Funder: Union européenne - Programme Interreg IV A France (Manche) Angleterre




  • Plymouth University (Chef de file),
  • Université de Caen Normandie, J.-P. Robin (UMR BOREA), J.P. Claquin (UMR BOREA), Emmanuelle Evariste (chercheure contractuelle, UMR BOREA) et J. C. Dauvin
  • Association des Ports Locaux de la Manche,
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale,
  • Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI,
  • Région Haute-Normandie,
  • Ifremer Boulogne,
  • University of Portsmouth,
  • Devon County Council,
  • Marine Biological Association,
  • SAHFOS (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation For Ocean Science)