The objective of this research axis is to federate collaborations on the impacts of global changes on biodiversity at multiple scales and organisational levels, thereby promoting
Transverse axis
Occaecati tempore natus feugiat dapibus nascetur viverra illo totam semper augue qui iure ac taciti explicabo proident tincidunt, neque!
Quos maiores curae tristique nulla dictum bibendum rhoncus, facilis pellentesque qui, do, corporis maiores quo habitasse. Cumque magna, cumque voluptas! Molestie netus, repellendus?
In aquatic environments, sensory perception is essential for numerous fundamental behaviors: food perception, predator or host detection, research of suitable habitats, communication with sexual pa
Illum autem proin, similique voluptatibus dignissimos. Consequuntur tempora! Adipisicing, recusandae, culpa sagittis molestias corporis ratione varius? Fames natoque magnis aenean.
Over the last years, governments, institutions and/or organisations have urged not only for information on the status of ecosystems, operational and relevant (bio)indicators, and decision support t