
Displaying 1 - 159 of 159
Picture First name LAST NAME Status Affiliation Team Location General topics
Ahmed ABDOU's picture Ahmed ABDOU Research staff The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Mes recherches portent sur la taxinomie et la conservation des mollusques d’eau douce des écosystèmes insulaires tropicaux. Elles concernent plus particulièrement la compréhension du cycle de vie des... plus...
Gwenaël ABRIL's picture Gwenaël ABRIL Research director The French National Centre for Scientific Research SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Carbon Cycle at the land-water-atmosphere interfaces My research deals with the biogeochemistry of ecosystems located at the land-water interface (floodplains, estuaries, mangroves, lagoons); I... plus...
Louis AMAND's picture Louis AMAND Research engineer Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris Titre du projet scientifique : Adaptation aux Milieux Extrêmes Hautes Pressions Dans l’équipe AMEX, je participe au fonctionnement et à l’évolution de la conception des prototypes pressurisés... plus...
Aude ANDOUCHE's picture Aude ANDOUCHE Research engineer The French National Museum of Natural History EMERGE MNHN Paris Etude du système nerveux des céphalopodes au court du développement. Mise au point de protocoles d’étude, aide aux différents maîtres de conférences de l’équipe sur leurs sujets de recherche, aide... plus...
Céline ARTERO's picture Céline ARTERO Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard CEMARB et DEPAAR2B Dans le contexte de changement climatique, la production d’énergie constitue l’un des défis socio-économiques et environnementaux majeurs des décennies à venir et soulève d’... plus...
Fabienne AUDEBERT's picture Fabienne AUDEBERT Professor Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris My specialty is animal parasitology and my research activities are divided into four main themes: Life cycles, morphology and morphogenesis The study of co-evolution of parasites and their... plus...
Stéphanie AUZOUX-BORDENAVE's picture Stéphanie AUZOUX-BORDENAVE Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) EMERGE MNHN Concarneau marine station Mes travaux de recherche concernent la biominéralisation et l’écophysiologie des mollusques au cours du développement. Les Mollusques constituent l’un des groupes de métazoaires les plus diversifiés... plus...
Sébastien BARATTE's picture Sébastien BARATTE Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) EMERGE MNHN Paris La diversité des systèmes nerveux au sein des Métazoaires pose la question de leur monophylie et requiert la recherche d’éléments d’homologie entre les différents phyla. Le développement du système... plus...
Yann BASSAGLIA's picture Yann BASSAGLIA Assistant professor EVOREG MNHN Paris Eco-Evo-Devo approach of neuro-muscular complex in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis Muscular development in cephalopod lead to numerous derived structures essential in the environmental... plus...
Nicolas BEKKOUCHE's picture Nicolas BEKKOUCHE Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris How does the Osedax worm (Annelida) interact with its environment? Integrative biology of a worm feeding on bones. As I recently joined the AMEX team in 2023, my scientific project focuses on the... plus...
Etienne BEZAULT's picture Etienne BEZAULT Assistant professor University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe
Bérénice BICHON's picture Bérénice BICHON PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History EVOREG MNHN Paris Comparative study of the functions of the caudal neurosecretory system in dogfish and zebrafish The hypothalamus-pituitary complex is the most well-known neuroendocrine system in vertebrates. In... plus...
Laure BONNAUD-PONTICELLI's picture Laure BONNAUD-PONTICELLI Professor The French National Museum of Natural History EVOREG MNHN Paris Eco-Evo-Devo approach of nervous system in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis Our research topic deal with organogenesis of the central and peripheral nervous system and the sensorial structures... plus...
Hélène BOURAS's picture Hélène BOURAS Research assistant University of Caen Normandy PHYPAQ UCN Caen Study of the host-pathogen relationship between the blue mussel Mytilus sp. and Francisella halioticida Mass mortality of the marine mussel Mytilus sp. has occurred in France since 2014. The... plus...
Ouvéa BOURGEOIS's picture Ouvéa BOURGEOIS Research assistant University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Marine Biology Research Technician and Administrative Coordinator I primarily operate in the field and act as a liaison between various economic stakeholders, the marine research station located in... plus...
Sonia BOUZID's picture Sonia BOUZID Technician The French Institute for Research and Development Secretariat and financial management MNHN Paris
Alicia L. BRUZOS's picture Alicia L. BRUZOS Research assistant University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen CANCER PARASITISM: Immunity mechanisms of bivalve transmissible cancers Marine contagious cancers represent a fascinating, non-classical, and unexplored ‘host-pathogen system’. Contagious cancers... plus...
Marie-Clémence BURG's picture Marie-Clémence BURG Research assistant The French National Centre for Scientific Research RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe One of the causes of marine turtle mortality in the French West Indies is accidental capture by certain fishing gear, particularly bottom-set gillnets. These accidental catches also have a negative... plus...
Fred BURNER's picture Fred BURNER Technician The French Institute for Research and Development RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Suivi d’écosystèmes naturels et anthropisés, de leur dynamique d’évolution dans le cadre de programmes d’observations et de suivis à long terme développés en Guadeloupe par le laboratoire  BOREA... plus...
Frédéric BUSSON's picture Frédéric BUSSON Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris
Christelle CAPLAT's picture Christelle CAPLAT Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Physico-chemical  research on marine water quality : ● Assessment of metal toxicity on marine organisms. Applications : biomonitoring of coastal water quality ; impact of sacrificial... plus...
Anne CARDOSO's picture Anne CARDOSO Research engineer Sorbonne University (SU) Secretariat and financial management SU Paris
Alexandre CARPENTIER's picture Alexandre CARPENTIER Assistant professor External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Functional ecology of the relationships between fish-habitat on the land-sea continuum  My research activities aim to characterize coastal marine habitats functioning focusing on fish in the... plus...
Camille CARPENTIER's picture Camille CARPENTIER PhD student University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Reef effect of offshore wind farms: Impacts on primary carbon production (CARBOREEF) The English Channel, a macro-tidal epicontinental sea, is influenced by climatic variations and subject to... plus...
Romain CAUSSE's picture Romain CAUSSE Research engineer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Assistant ingénieur en écologie des espèces amphidromes ichtyologiques dulçaquicoles de l'IndoPacifique tropical. Durant 20 ans j'ai géré la collection nationale d'ichtyologie du MNHN en parallèle... plus...
Amélia CHATAGNON's picture Amélia CHATAGNON Research assistant University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Research engineer recruited for the ActifDROM project: Active Biosurveillance for french overseas departments and territories. The project proposes to study the feasibility of developing an active... plus...
Charlotte CHAZEAU's picture Charlotte CHAZEAU Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Chargée de projet du suivi écosystémique des pêcheries australes dans les Zones Economiques Exclusives (ZEE) des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF) (Kerguelen, Crozet, Saint Paul/... plus...
Damien CHEVALLIER's picture Damien CHEVALLIER Research engineer The French National Centre for Scientific Research RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique - BEPHYTES - Réponses comportementales et physiologiques des tortues marines au stress environnemental (BEhavioral and PHYsiological responses of marine Turtles to Environmental Stress) - RECAPTED:... plus...
Natacha CLAIRET's picture Natacha CLAIRET PhD student University of Caen Normandy EMERGE UCN Caen RIVAgE : Epitranscriptomic regulation in adaptation to environmental stress in the oyster Crassostrea gigas Epitranscriptomic modifications (RNA methylation, N6-mA or m6A) emerge as an additional... plus...
Pascal CLAQUIN's picture Pascal CLAQUIN Professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Luc sur Mer marine station MERCI DE ME RETROUVER DANS MA NOUVELLE UNITE DE RECHERCHE : Mots clés : Producteurs primaires, photosynthèse,  phytoplancton, algues,... plus...
Antoine COLLIN's picture Antoine COLLIN Assistant professor External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Antoine COLLIN is a coastal geospatial ecologist motivated by identifying and modelling interactions between land-sea ecosystems with their environment. He has more than fifteen-year-old experience... plus...
Sébastien CORDONNIER's picture Sébastien CORDONNIER Technician University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Technicien des milieux naturels et ruraux
Katherine COSTIL's picture Katherine COSTIL Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Ecological and Ecotoxicological Studies in aquatic ecosystems: Studies of the impact of contaminants (trace metals, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, PCBs, body care products) on: 1) embryo-... plus...
Valentin DE MAZANCOURT's picture Valentin DE MAZANCOURT Research assistant Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris Taxonomy, Systematics and Evolution of freshwater decapod crustaceans from the islands of the tropical Indo-Pacific : As part of my research, I am mostly interested in systematics (i.e. taxonomy and... plus...
Lise DELATTE's picture Lise DELATTE PhD student University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Eutrophication and dystrophy in the Bay of Seine: Impact on the structure of phytoplankton communities and their productivity. Coastal eutrophication, caused by anthropogenic nutrient inputs, is one... plus...
Maël DELOOR's picture Maël DELOOR Research assistant University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen The role of marine infrastructure settlement on the production of coastal ecosystems in the Channel The English Channel is subject to increasing human activities, in particular with the development... plus...
Clémentin DENIAU's picture Clémentin DENIAU PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History RECAP MNHN Paris Impacts of maritime traffic on the composition and diversity of the marine surface microlayer in the Guadeloup bays This thesis will analyse the potential impact of port activities and maritime... plus...
Françoise DENIS's picture Françoise DENIS Assistant professor RECAP MNHN Concarneau marine station
Gaël DENYS's picture Gaël DENYS Research staff BIOPAC MNHN Paris Taxonomie intégrative des poissons d’eau douce de France Résumé thèse : Alors que l’on croyait notre ichtyofaune dulçaquicole de France connue depuis deux siècles, un catalogue des poissons d’eau... plus...
Marie DESCHLER's picture Marie DESCHLER PhD student University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen Projet RIN INCIDENCE Thèse NEMESIS : Interactions et communication chimique entre les diatomées toxiques Pseudo-nitzschia et les consommateurs primaires Les diatomées du genre Pseudo-nitzschia (PN... plus...
Florian DESIGAUX's picture Florian DESIGAUX PhD student University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique A multidisciplinary approach to conservation biology: Behavioural ecology and socio-ecology of iguanas in Martinique  The main goal of this PhD is to improve the knowledge available on the... plus...
Alexandre DESPARMET's picture Alexandre DESPARMET PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Concarneau marine station Oxylipins induced by light in microphytobenthic biofilm Microphytobenthic biofilms are the first stage of natural surfaces’ colonization and human marine infrastructures. The microorganisms of those... plus...
Valentin DJIAN's picture Valentin DJIAN PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) SOMAQUA MNHN Paris From the pelagic subantarctic ecoregionalisation to Marine Protected Areas in the high seas. The North Indian sector of the Southern Ocean and the South Indian Ocean are geographical zones with... plus...
Franck DOLIQUE's picture Franck DOLIQUE Professor University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique Géosciences marines et littorales ; Géomorphologie dynamique des milieux littoraux tropicaux ; sédimentologie des espaces lagonaires ; forçages météo-marins ; changement global et... plus...
Charlotte DROMARD's picture Charlotte DROMARD Assistant professor University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Je suis maître de conférence HDR en écologie marine, avec une spécialité en écologie récifale. Ecologie des poissons récifaux (niche isotopique, niche trophique, recrutement larvaire), avec un... plus...
Sylvie DUFOUR's picture Sylvie DUFOUR Distinguished researcher The French National Centre for Scientific Research EVOREG MNHN Paris Comparative and Evolutionary Neuroendocrinology: Molecular and functional evolution of neuroendocrine systems; Roles of neuroendocrine systems in the structure, plasticity and evolution of... plus...
Amaël DUPAIX's picture Amaël DUPAIX Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris My research focuses on the dynamics of austral fisheries’ exploited populations in the St. Paul and Amsterdam EEZ, and the management implications for this resource. More specifically, I’m assessing... plus...
Laetitia DUPUY's picture Laetitia DUPUY PhD student RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique « L'évolution des anses littorales martiniquaises : détermination des rythmes et les processus en jeu » Résumé du sujet de thèse : Cette thèse propose une étude de plusieurs facteurs... plus...
Céline ELLIEN's picture Céline ELLIEN Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris Since 2009, my research area aims at understanding the ecology of tropical diadromous fish, mainly by studying their dispersive marine stage. I have focused on 2 biological models, showing 2... plus...
Solène EUSTACHE's picture Solène EUSTACHE Research assistant University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen BIOSTEM project : Standardised BIOfouling for Materials TEsting  I'm working on the BIOSTEM project (Standardised BIOfouling for Materials TEsting), which runs from 2022 to 2025. The aim... plus...
Jack FALCON's picture Jack FALCON Distinguished researcher The French National Centre for Scientific Research EVOREG MNHN Paris Photo-Neuro-Endocrinologie Comparée et Evolutive : Evolution moléculaire et fonctionnelle des systèmes visuels. Photo- et thermo-sensibilité chez les poissons et impact sur la synchronisation... plus...
Pascal FAVREL's picture Pascal FAVREL Professor University of Caen Normandy EVOREG UCN Caen Key words: Molluscs, reproduction, development, genomics, peptidomics, GPCRs, neuropeptides. Development of transcriptomic and peptidic data as well as functional genomics tools in the oyster... plus...
Eric FEUNTEUN's picture Eric FEUNTEUN Professor The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Mon projet scientifique vise à faire progresser et à enseigner les connaissances relatives à l’écologie de la conservation des écosystèmes marins côtiers et littoraux, ainsi qu’à la prédiction des... plus...
Sylvia FORTE's picture Sylvia FORTE Administrative assistant University of Caen Normandy Secretariat and financial management UCN Caen
Baptiste FRATTINI's picture Baptiste FRATTINI PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History ECOFUNC MNHN Paris Sessile communities of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures on outer coral reef slopes at Mascarenes Archipelago : comparison between shallow and mesophotic coral reef habitat The cryptobiome of... plus...
Emily GALARZA's picture Emily GALARZA PhD student The French Institute for Research and Development SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Biodiversity and Functional Ecology of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in the High Andean Plateaus. The aim of the thesis project is to study the biodiversity and ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates in... plus...
Nicolas GASCO's picture Nicolas GASCO Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Coordinateur technique pour le programme d’observation des pêches australes : - ZEE Kerguelen, Crozet, Saint-Paul et Amsterdam - Zone CCAMLR (Convention de conservation des ressources... plus...
Aude GAUTIER's picture Aude GAUTIER Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy EMERGE UCN Caen The spermatogonial stem cells niche is well studied in Osteichthyes (mammals, fish…) with relatively well conserved cellular markers and regulation pathways. In contrast, these aspects are rarely... plus...
Hélène GLORIA's picture Hélène GLORIA Technician External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard
Eric GOBERVILLE's picture Eric GOBERVILLE Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) SOMAQUA MNHN Paris I regret to inform you that I will not be able to host interns during the 2024-2025 academic year. My research focuses primarily on gaining a deeper understanding of how species respond to both... plus...
Aurélie GONZALEZ's picture Aurélie GONZALEZ Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History Secretariat and financial management MNHN Paris
Karine GRANGERE's picture Karine GRANGERE Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen Structure and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems Study of the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors within coastal ecosystems and their spatial and temporal variability using... plus...
Corinne GUCHEREAU's picture Corinne GUCHEREAU Technician The French National Museum of Natural History Secretariat and financial management MNHN Paris
Mireille GUILLAUME's picture Mireille GUILLAUME Assistant professor The French National Museum of Natural History ECOFUNC MNHN Paris Ecologie fonctionnelle des réseaux trophiques des récifs coralliens
Aïcha HAMDANI's picture Aïcha HAMDANI Research engineer The French National Museum of Natural History Secretariat and financial management MNHN Paris Administrative and Financial Manager of the BOREA Laboratory
Sahima HAMLAOUI's picture Sahima HAMLAOUI Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Planktonautes d'Île-de-France (PiF) is a participatory science project aimed at studying the biodiversity of plankton in the freshwater bodies of the Île-de-France region. It brings together... plus...
Mélyne HAUTECOEUR's picture Mélyne HAUTECOEUR Technician The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris I work mostly on sub-antarctic (Kerguelen Island) and antarctic fish. Inventory, description, collection, sytematics. I'm also in charge of the sclerochronology technical center (at the... plus...
Vincent HAY's picture Vincent HAY Research assistant Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris Biodiversité, dispersion et histoire évolutive des Syngnathidae (Teleostei) insulaire de la région Indo-Pacifique Abstract: The Syngnathidae family (Seahorses, Pipefishes) is represented by... plus...
Sean HEIGHTON's picture Sean HEIGHTON Research assistant University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen I am a passionate conservationist and researcher who tries to apply various research techniques to solve global conservation problems. My research has mainly revolved around the use of genetics/... plus...
Takatoshi HIGUCHI's picture Takatoshi HIGUCHI Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Marine Migrations of Anguillid Eels
Maryline HOUSSIN's picture Maryline HOUSSIN Research staff University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Projets & Expertises Etude de l’infectiosité des variants de l’OsHV-1 µVar chez l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Etude de la dynamique des mortalités des huîtres adultes selon... plus...
Cédric HUBAS's picture Cédric HUBAS Professor The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Concarneau marine station My research focuses on the understanding of the functioning of microbial communities. I address this question by organizing my work around the following two themes:  1/ Diversity and... plus...
Laura JAMET's picture Laura JAMET PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris Study of the history, biology, and evolution of the Aquitaine pike Esox aquitanicus The Aquitanian pike, Esox aquitanicus, is a recently discovered (2014) endemic species of the southwestern France... plus...
Fabian JEANNE's picture Fabian JEANNE Research assistant University of Caen Normandy EVOREG UCN Caen Évolution des systèmes GnRH et des hormones glycoprotéiques dans les contrôles endocrine et paracrine de la spermatogenèse chez la petite roussette, Scyliorhinus canicula. Abstract The main aim of... plus...
Aurélie JEANTET's picture Aurélie JEANTET PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC SU Paris Can parasites help “detoxify” their hosts ? Effects of element trace metals on feral pigeon parasites These last decades, anthropic activities induced heavy chemical pollution. For example, we... plus...
Nédia KAMECH's picture Nédia KAMECH Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) EVOREG MNHN Paris Mes travaux de recherche les plus récents portent sur certaines catégories de peptides,    petites protéines, qui interviennent dans de nombreux processus biologiques. Les peptides... plus...
Marion KAUFFMANN's picture Marion KAUFFMANN Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris I am responsible for monitoring the acquisition of scientific data collected at sea by fishery observers as part of the southern fisheries observation program (Crozet, Kerguelen and Saint-Paul and... plus...
Philippe KEITH's picture Philippe KEITH Professor The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris In the Indo-Pacific area, rivers of oceanic islands resulting from tectonic and volcanic activities are mainly colonised by freshwater species that exhibit a life cycle adapted for the colonisation... plus...
Kristell KELLNER's picture Kristell KELLNER Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy EMERGE UCN Caen My main topics concern physiology of reproduction of various molluscan species with a focus on the bivalve Crassostrea gigas: Investigate the reproduction of several species Gametogenesis in... plus...
Josie LAMBOURDIERE's picture Josie LAMBOURDIERE Research engineer The French National Centre for Scientific Research RECAP MNHN Paris Missions : Adapter des approches expérimentales nécessaires aux analyses moléculaires et génétiques en biologie et écologie aquatiques tropicales développées au sein de l’Observatoire Hommes-... plus...
Nancy LAMONTAGNE's picture Nancy LAMONTAGNE Research assistant External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Visual arts, Landscape, Art-science, Granulometry The landscape is the main subject of my research, developed from the angle of constant movement, instability, in-between shapes, where the present... plus...
Randy LATCHY's picture Randy LATCHY PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC Implication of recruitment variability of diadromous species in the stability and functioning of insular freshwater aquatic environments Species demography is mediated by ecological processes... plus...
Claire LAZARETH's picture Claire LAZARETH Researcher The French Institute for Research and Development SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Les marqueurs biogéochimiques comme traceurs de l’environnement et de sa variabilité : étude microchimique et sclérochronologique des biocarbonates Les biocarbonates tels que les coquilles de... plus...
Estelle LE BIHAN's picture Estelle LE BIHAN Research staff University of Caen Normandy EMERGE UCN Caen Study of the impact of the environment on marine species of economic interest in relation to the downstream activities to exploit these species.  My research focuses on the study of the... plus...
Pierre LE MOAL's picture Pierre LE MOAL Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Etude des sources et du devenir de la matière organique dans les milieux aquatiques L’équipe SOMAQUA possède une plateforme d’analyse d'acides gras, dont j’ai la charge. En tant qu’ingénieur d’étude... plus...
Bertrand LE ROY's picture Bertrand LE ROY Technician University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC, RECAP UCN Caen Biodiversité du phytoplancton Dynamique de Pseudo-Nitzschia en Normandie
Jean-Marc LEBEL's picture Jean-Marc LEBEL Professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Mots clés : Mollusques marins – Stress environnemental – Contaminants d’origine anthropiques – Biominéralisation -  Hémocytes – H. tuberculata - C. gigas – Approches in situ, milieu... plus...
Pierre LELONG's picture Pierre LELONG PhD student University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique Prevalence, distribution and etiology of fibropapillomatosis in immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) of the West Indies The fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a deadly neoplastic disease recorded in all... plus...
Boris LEROY's picture Boris LEROY Assistant professor The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris My research works consist in studying biodiversity patterns at large spatial scales, from species to communities. Specifically, I study biodiversity response to environmental changes (anthropic... plus...
Manuel LESACHER's picture Manuel LESACHER Technician External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Projet "Sable d'union" en baie du Mont Saint Michel. Granulométrie, spatialisation des données.
Anne LIZE's picture Anne LIZE Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard My research focuses on different themes and biological models: Adaptive strategies in social interactions, kin recognition, and the evolution of sociality in solitary insects (Master's degree,... plus...
Pascal Jean LOPEZ's picture Pascal Jean LOPEZ Research director The French National Centre for Scientific Research RECAP MNHN Paris Les composés organiques impliqués dans les minéralisations de type carbonaté seraient impliqués dans le contrôle des conditions physicochimiques locales, la nucléation et l’extension. La croissance... plus...
Clara LORD's picture Clara LORD Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris I work on goby species belonging to the Sicydiinae subfamily, which have developed particular life traits adapted to the colonisation of tropical island freshwater ecosystems. Indeed, rivers in... plus...
Julie LUCAS's picture Julie LUCAS Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard CEMARB project « Reconciling renewable renewable energy and biodiversity» In the context of climate change, energy production represents one of the major socio-economic and environmental... plus...
Hanna-May MALAHEL's picture Hanna-May MALAHEL PhD student University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Coral-algal phase shift process in Guadeloupe: research of influencing factors and remediation tools The Coral-algal phase shift (CAPS) is the transition from a coral-dominated community to one... plus...
Elena MANFRINI's picture Elena MANFRINI PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Biological invasion risks posed by arthropod farming The global objective of this thesis would be to provide the first global assessment of the biological invasion risks posed by arthropods farming... plus...
Fabienne MARAIS's picture Fabienne MARAIS Technician University of Caen Normandy Inter-teams UCN Caen
Anna MARCOUT's picture Anna MARCOUT PhD student University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen Spatialized models for the fishing of short-lived species: application to cephalopods
Leandro Teixeira MARINHO's picture Leandro Teixeira MARINHO PhD student AMEX Ecotoxicological effects of copper and sulphide mineral particles in hydrothermal vent shrimps of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Deep-sea mining (DSM) has the potential to become the next great extractive... plus...
Héloïse MARTE's picture Héloïse MARTE PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Individual and collective behaviors of the spider crab and the Canadian brown crab: combined use of accelerometry and acoustic telemetry to estimate and model the impact of maritime traffic... plus...
Alexis MARTIN's picture Alexis MARTIN Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Deep-sea benthic ecology of the Southern Ocean, zoology and biogeography of macroinvertebrates: ecosystem modelling [1] habitat caracterization and mapping diversity and composition of... plus...
Clara MASSINOT's picture Clara MASSINOT Research assistant University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen DYSTRO-B Project Coastal eutrophication caused by anthropogenic inputs of nutrients is one of the greatest threats to the health of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide. This issue reflects a... plus...
Félix MASSIOT-GRANIER's picture Félix MASSIOT-GRANIER Research assistant BIOPAC MNHN Paris Titre du projet scientifique : Modélisation halieutique des pêcheries australes Mes travaux de recherche au sein du MNHN portent sur la dynamique des populations halieutiques australes dans les... plus...
Adrien MATHOU's picture Adrien MATHOU PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris Sensory detection in hydrothermal shrimp Alvinocaridid shrimps are emblematic of hydrothermal sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The mechanisms that enable these shrimps to detect hydrothermal sites... plus...
Léo MAUCOURT's picture Léo MAUCOURT PhD student University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Schoelcher Martinique Identifying the vocal repertoire and determining the social bonds of three endangered sea turtle species: new tools to improve population monitoring and conservation Underwater vocal production in... plus...
François MEUNIER's picture François MEUNIER Distinguished researcher The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Ostéologie, Histologie osseuse comparée et Paléohistologie des Ostéichthyens; Processus d'hyperostose chez les Téléostéens; Régénération du squelette caudal chez les Téléostéens; Histomorphométrie... plus...
Tarik MEZIANE's picture Tarik MEZIANE Professor The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris The main theme of my research is the study of the fate of organic matter (OM) in aquatic ecosystems in wetlands (mangroves, varzea, etc.). I pay particular attention to the contribution of this OM... plus...
Laurie MICHAUD's picture Laurie MICHAUD Research assistant University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen I did my end-of-year Masters at BOREA as part of the ECOFUNC team, modelling the impacts of offshore wind farms on the food web in Belgian waters. The aim of CDD is to develop LIM-MCMC models... plus...
Luis MOLINA CARILLO's picture Luis MOLINA CARILLO PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History EVOREG MNHN Paris Capsule, light and neuronal development in cuttlefish embryos This project aims, firstly, to evaluate the impact of artificial light (from LED and CFL technology) on the visual function,... plus...
Nathan MORANDI's picture Nathan MORANDI PhD student University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen The VIRPAV Project Viruses infesting phytoplanktonic algae are known to trigger and/or accelerate the end of blooms of these algae in the wild (Flynn et al. 2022). Knowledge of these viruses is very... plus...
Marina MORINI's picture Marina MORINI Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History EVOREG MNHN Paris Contract: Post-doctorat MSCA-Seal of Excellence, Sorbonne Université General Topics: : Evolution of Thermoreceptor TRP families in metazoans (Acronym: EvoThermoRec) Summary: Global warming is... plus...
Isabelle MOUAS's picture Isabelle MOUAS Research engineer The French Institute for Research and Development MNHN Paris Chargée de communication de BOREA  responsabilité éditoriale et animation des sites web BOREA et NEMO refonte du site BOREA version 2 (en cours) animation du fil twitter BOREA... plus...
Anne MOUGET's picture Anne MOUGET Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Evaluation and Development of indicators to characterise and assess coastal and ultra-coastal marine ecosystems: application to climate change and ecological monitoring. Fisheries acoustics is now... plus...
Nicolas MOULANIER's picture Nicolas MOULANIER Research assistant University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Five of the seven species of sea turtles found worldwide inhabit the waters of the French Antilles, three of which are globally endangered: the hawksbill turtle (“critically endangered,” CR), the... plus...
Isabelle MUSSIO's picture Isabelle MUSSIO Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen My research is focused on marine macroalgae that play an essential role for the functioning of coastal ecosystems but are also valuable coastal resources of economic interest (food and industrial... plus...
Nathalie NIQUIL's picture Nathalie NIQUIL Research director The French National Centre for Scientific Research ECOFUNC UCN Caen Central question: how can food web and socio-ecological models support decision-making for estuarine, coastal and marine spatial management? Modeling and characterizing the operating properties of... plus...
Frédéric OLIVIER's picture Frédéric OLIVIER Professor The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Concarneau marine station In a sustainable coastal management context, I try to understand and estimate the shares of natural and anthropogenic stresses in the processes that continually (re) structure this natural heritage.... plus...
Francis ORVAIN's picture Francis ORVAIN Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Francis Orvain is an associate professor in the team ‘Diversity and Interaction in Coastal Ecosystems’ of BOREA. He is 39 years old and has published 29 ranked-A papers with a H-index of 13. He is a... plus...
Roxane ORY's picture Roxane ORY Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Biogeochimical study of estuarine waters I work in BOREA laboratory on the project entitled CARBONIUM, which focuses on understanding and measuring greenhouse gas sinks and sources in estuaries. As... plus...
Fanny OUZOULIAS's picture Fanny OUZOULIAS PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Recrutement de la légine australe dans un contexte de changement global : vers une meilleure intégration des processus biologiques dans la gestion des stocks exploités La légine australe (... plus...
Clara PERON's picture Clara PERON Assistant professor The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris My research focuses on the spatial dynamics of animal populations and its implications for the management of protected or exploited populations. I aim to understand the ecological and physical... plus...
Carl POSSEME's picture Carl POSSEME Research officer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard SEELURE : Evaluation yellow eel (Anguilla anguilla) predation by the european catfish (Silurus glanis) in a marsh of the Erdre river in France The « Seelure » project carried by the... plus...
Marc POUILLY's picture Marc POUILLY Researcher The French Institute for Research and Development SOMAQUA MNHN Paris My researches focused on freshwater fish community ecology (distribution and threats) in South America and particularly in the Amazon and Andes. I develop studies on the explanatory factors of the... plus...
Maureen PRED'HOMME's picture Maureen PRED'HOMME PhD student University of Caen Normandy PHYPAQ UCN Caen Post-reproductive neurodegeneration in cuttlefish Sepia officinalis: identification of molecular mechanisms Cuttlefish are cephalopods with a short life cycle (20-22 months) that undergo rapid... plus...
Patrice PRUVOST's picture Patrice PRUVOST Research engineer The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris  I'm supervisor of the Atlas of Marine Fishes of Metropolitan France. This atlas will contribute to the implementation of public policy in the French marine environment, in particular for the "... plus...
Nicolas RABET's picture Nicolas RABET Professor Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris I work on the evolution of Pancrustaceans at different level of observation in order to understand the evolution of form or adaptation in this lineage. I work particularly in two aquatic lineages... plus...
Juliette RAVAUX's picture Juliette RAVAUX Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris My current research themes focus on different species of tropical shrimp from the Indo-Pacific islands, and abyssal shrimp from deep hydrothermal vents:  Ecophysiological aspects of migration... plus...
Malika RENE-TROUILLEFOU's picture Malika RENE-TROUILLEFOU Assistant professor University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Coral reef, microbial communities, holobiont, stress factor (human activities, global climate change), biomarker, coral diseases
Cam Ly RINTZ's picture Cam Ly RINTZ PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Developing biodindicators for rocky shores with citizen science: interactions between sciences and societies The considerable sampling capacity of citizen science programs makes them a unique... plus...
Guillaume RIVIERE's picture Guillaume RIVIERE Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy EMERGE UCN Caen Epigenetic regulation and functional epigenomics of developemnt and reproduction in a marine invertebrate: understand the evolution of epigenetic mechanisms How did epigenetic regulation, its... plus...
Joëlle ROBBE's picture Joëlle ROBBE PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris The Effects of Global Changes on the Physiology and Microbiome of Cold-Water Corals in the Lampaul Canyon Like their tropical analogous, cold-water colonial corals are engineer species which create... plus...
Jean-Paul ROBIN's picture Jean-Paul ROBIN Professor University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen Fisheries ecology and population dynamics of exploited Cephalopod species. Population modelling and stock assessment. Recruitment, spatial and temporal trends in abundance and environmental factors.... plus...
Vincent ROBINET's picture Vincent ROBINET PhD student University of the French West Indies RECAP UA Pointe à Pitre Guadeloupe Population genetics and ecology of the calcifying hydrozoan Millepora spp. (fire coral) from island reef systems: connectivity, ecological success, and resilience The aim of this thesis project is... plus...
Tony ROBINET's picture Tony ROBINET Assistant professor The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Concarneau marine station
Christophe ROGER's picture Christophe ROGER Technician University of Caen Normandy Inter-teams UCN Caen
Coline ROYAUX's picture Coline ROYAUX PhD student The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Concarneau marine station La diversité biologique en Nouvelle-Calédonie : Caractérisation à partir du zooplancton dulçaquicole, recherche des facteurs explicatifs majeurs et pérennisation des connaissances pour leur (ré-)... plus...
Anne-Marie RUSIG's picture Anne-Marie RUSIG Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Through the various research programs, the studies which I conduct on seaweeds are declined according to three levels: the coastal ecosystem, the communities and the organism respectively providing... plus...
Mattia SACCO's picture Mattia SACCO Research staff The French National Museum of Natural History SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems via environmental DNA analysis and functional ecology approaches My research focuses on aquatic environments - both surface and subterranean - and the... plus...
Perrine SALVI's picture Perrine SALVI PhD student Sorbonne University (SU) BIOPAC MNHN Paris Comparative study of life history traits of four amphidromous goby species (Teleostei: Gobiinae: Sicydiinae) from the Indo-Pacific Basin using a multidisciplinary approach: A key to understanding... plus...
Antoine SERPENTINI's picture Antoine SERPENTINI Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Mes activités de recherche concernent l’étude des réponses physiologiques des mollusques marins aux contraintes environnementales. Je m’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux effets induits par l’... plus...
Bruno SERRANITO's picture Bruno SERRANITO Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Study of Niche Conservatism and Modeling the Distribution of Non-Indigenous Species in Metropolitan Coastal Zones (CANELONI) Biological invasions pose one of the most pressing threats to the... plus...
Bruce SHILLITO's picture Bruce SHILLITO Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris My research activities include two main topics, which link to the Biology of Deep Sea Organisms : The study of the stress response in deep-sea hydrothermal organisms, with a focus on... plus...
Sandrine SORO's picture Sandrine SORO Administrative assistant University of Caen Normandy Secretariat and financial management UCN Caen
Pascal SOURDAINE's picture Pascal SOURDAINE Professor University of Caen Normandy EVOREG UCN Caen Key words: Elasmobranchs - Spermatogenesis - Steroidogenesis - Spermatogonial stem cells – Cellular biology Identification of early markers of spermatogenesis in the small spotted catshark (... plus...
Sandra SRITHARAN's picture Sandra SRITHARAN Technician University of Caen Normandy Inter-teams UCN Caen
Nils TEICHERT's picture Nils TEICHERT Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Réponses des organismes et des communautés aquatiques face aux facteurs de stress Mes travaux de recherche visent à acquérir des connaissances sur des processus écologiques, en vue de répondre à... plus...
Fernando COSTA TEMPERA's picture Fernando COSTA TEMPERA Research assistant Sorbonne University (SU) SOMAQUA MNHN Paris Project "CARTHAB"  Development of an operational method to produce a comprehensive multi-source mapping of benthic habitats covering the entire French metropolitan Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ... plus...
Marion THELLIER's picture Marion THELLIER Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Paris Project Manager for the Development of the Marine Fish Atlas of Metropolitan France. Working in the BOREA unit's BIOPAC team, I'm in charge of developing the Atlas of Marine Fishes of Metropolitan... plus...
Maud THERMES's picture Maud THERMES PhD student University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen « Projet MOPACO : Modélisation et simulation participative pour la cogestion des écosystèmes marins ».
Pierre THIRIET's picture Pierre THIRIET Research assistant The French National Museum of Natural History BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Titre du Projet de recherche : Développement méthodologique des programmes de surveillances et des indicateurs écologiques associés, pour l’évaluation DCSMM de l’état écologique des... plus...
Thomas TRANCART's picture Thomas TRANCART Research assistant BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard Biogéographie de la conservation des élasmobranches
Benoît VERON's picture Benoît VERON Assistant professor University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen
Marion VIAL's picture Marion VIAL PhD student University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Development of a normalized consortium of biofouling in the marine environment. With the greater importance of the oceans, the blue economy development, and the skyrocketing use of marine resources... plus...
Nadège VILLAIN-NAUD's picture Nadège VILLAIN-NAUD Technician University of Caen Normandy Inter-teams UCN Caen Suivis en histologie, études immuno-histocytologiques, hybridation in situ, analyses d'images pour les différentes équipes BOREA sur le site de Caen.
Camille VOGEL's picture Camille VOGEL PhD student University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen Diagnostic des politiques de gestion en baie de Seine et estuaire de Seine par le prisme trophique Dans l’optique de poursuivre la compréhension des mécanismes reliant la dynamique des stocks de... plus...
Frédéric YSNEL's picture Frédéric YSNEL Professor External collaborators BIOPAC MNHN Station marine Dinard My research focuses on the development of principles and tools for diagnosing and predicting the quality of "natural heritage" by using bioassessment methods. In terms of innovative contributions, my... plus...
Gerardo ZARDI's picture Gerardo ZARDI Research assistant University of Caen Normandy ECOFUNC UCN Caen coolOYSTER : microbial symblotic thermal mitigation against heatwaves in oysters Oyster die-offs induced by Heatwaves (HWs) exemplify the severe economic and ecological effects of extreme heat... plus...
Magali ZBINDEN's picture Magali ZBINDEN Assistant professor Sorbonne University (SU) AMEX SU Paris In the AMEX team, we work on chemosynthetic ecosystems, including hydrothermal vents, which are located along mid-ocean spreading ridges that extend through the world's oceans. These ecosystems are... plus...
Ines ZRIBI's picture Ines ZRIBI Research assistant University of Caen Normandy RECAP UCN Caen Study on the Impact of Nitrogen/Phosphorus (N/P) Imbalance on Phytoplankton Growth in a Photobioreactor The Seine Bay faces eutrophication and dystrophy issues, with an imbalanced nitrogen/... plus...