Pêcheries de Céphalopodes : outils pour gérer la ressource, préserver le recrutement et valoriser la production

Séries temporelles des indices d'abondance observés (-X-) et prédits (-O-) avec les intervalles de confiance à 95% de 1991 à 2013 pour le mélange des 2 espèces et de 1993 à 2013 pour chaque espèce séparément. Chaque point correspond à l'abondance moyenne
2013 to 2015
Program type
Regional - National
Scientific cooperation

People involved

Pêcheries de Céphalopodes : outils pour gérer la ressource, préserver le recrutement et valoriser la production


English Channel Cephalopods (cuttlefish and squid) are among the most important resources of the Lower Normandy fishery. These stocks are not currently assessed regularly, which is necessary to define the conditions for sustainable exploitation. Among the inshore metiers, the trap fishery, although less destructive of the habitats than the trawling, knows the problem of the eggs fixed on the gear. The best possible value of these resources can also be obtained by optimizing their quality.

The general objective of these studies is therefore to improve the conditions of exploitation and trading of the resource in order to optimize and sustain the income they represent for fishermen.

The project "Cephalopod fisheries" falls within the theme 1 "Resource management" of the "Marine resources" sector and also under the theme 2 "Increasing the added value of seafood" of the 2013 call for proposals.

This project involves three complementary actions:

  • Action 1: Study of the fate of juveniles from cuttlefish  eggs
  • Action 2: Analysis of the quality and freshness of products of different trades
  • Action 3: Monitoring indicators of the abundance of the resource and its exploitation

This work will be directly transferable to professionals (fishermen, fishery managers, and fishmongers)

Convention 2013 PCM 29

Funding: Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie  (financement "Synergie partenariale" dans le cadre de l'aide aux filières)

Coordinator: Jean-Paul ROBIN


  • SMEL
  • CNAM-Intechmer
  • Ifremer
  • OPBN
  • UNICAEN, UMR BOREA, J.-P. Robin, équipe 5 et D. Koueta, équipe 1