Spatialized models for the fishing of short-lived species: application to cephalopods


My thesis project, supervised by Jean-Paul Robin, is part of the SPADYN project co-financed by the Normandy Region and France Filière Pêche to develop spatialized modeling tools applicable to short-lived species (1 year for squid and 2 years for cuttlefish in the Channel). 

This work will use commercial fisheries data (participation of Ifremer and the Regional Fisheries Committee) to develop relevant abundance indices to describe the spatio-temporal variations of cephalopod resources. 

This project will allow the integration of environmental conditions in the estimation of abundance, spatial distribution of the resource and its migrations, which are strongly dependent on them.

These tools will significantly improve the biological knowledge of these species and the diagnoses concerning the fishing pressure and the conditions for sustainable exploitation (local overexploitation, consequences of access restrictions...). 


